We were planing to go to another same style restaurant, but that restaurant was fully booked. Compared to the best one, this restaurant's serving speed is a bit too fast (did they want to get rid of us as quickly as possible?), but the quantity of each dish is a bit more than the others~ I might consider this restaurant as a medium-high level in this kind of elite dining restaurants!
這個週末, 全家人一起去了烏來的名流水岸吃大餐~~這是台灣這幾年很流行的一種精緻養生餐廳. 菜單都是餐廳已經設訂好的了, 大約只有2到3種套餐的選擇~ 這種點菜法在國外不常見, 特別帶我的未婚夫來見識一下啦 ~
跟其他家類似的餐廳比起來, 名流水岸的份量算是大的~ 上菜速度也有點太快~ 不過在訂不到其他兩家同性質餐廳的情況下~ 這家也是很錯的精緻用餐選擇喔~
Start with the looks 先來看看餐廳景觀吧~
The outside has a peaceful and beautiful Japanese style decoration 外面是寧靜的日式庭園景觀
When you get inside, you need to take of your shoes, this is quite different from other same style restaurants.進入室內要脫鞋喔~這是其他家同性質餐廳比較不一樣的
Low tables and low chairs~ for a fusion Taiwanese and Japanese feeling 矮矮的桌椅, 很有台式和日式合併的感覺
The inside is full of beautiful floral decoration~ 室內有好多美麗的插花藝術~
Let's start our elite dining! 開始用餐囉~
My order is Ming Liu Classic menu 我點的是經典名流主廚餐
Salad with Japanese sauce 日式沙拉
Hand made sesame tou fu and dried fig 手工芝麻豆腐 和無花果乾
Sashimi 生魚片
Fruit Vinegar~ they help you digest better~養生的重點水果醋~
Healthy shared hot pot 大家一起享用的養生鍋
Served with nice thin pork slices 配上好吃的梅花豬肉片
Lamb 羊貴妃
Fried soft shell crab酥炸軟殼蟹
One more plum fruit vinegar 再來一杯梅子水果醋
Salmon rice 鮭魚飯
Very special desert! Sweet marinated tomato~ 蜜漬番茄,超特別的甜點~健康的番茄帶著淡淡的甜味~
The other menu is the Chef's creative menu, I will just post the dishes that were different~ 另ㄧ個選則是水岸創意餐, 大致差不多, 但是比較偏重於海鮮, 日式風格少一點, 來看看不一樣的餐點有哪些吧~
Thai style salad泰式沙拉
Persimmon with sea weed and squid, you can eat the whole persimmon! Now in Taiwan is the perfect season for persimmon~ it is not so easy to eat fresh and sweet persimmon! 柿子花枝海帶盅 ,台灣的秋天是 柿子 盛產的季節~ 整顆都可以吃掉喔~ French style sashimi 法式生魚片
Asian style Carpaccio 生牛肉
Here is the special zone! because my sister is pregnant, she shouldn't eat any raw stuff~ Here are the dishes they changed for my sister! 這裡是特別區~ 因為二姐懷孕了~ 所以不能吃生食~ 以下是他們幫姐姐換的菜 ~
Ha ha .. I forgot what this is~~ㄟ~ 因為我吃的太開心,, 忘了這道她們幫姐姐換的是什麼
Steamed Fish清蒸魚
BBQ Fish 烤香魚