When I in Taiwan, it is very common and often to go to 7-11 to buy a Triangle rice ball for lunch or dinner. Although they have so many flavors, from fusion creative flavor to weird flavor, so many that you need to spend 10 mins to decide! But for me, after 10 mins, my final decision still goes back to the simple but tasty Taiwanese flavor - Fried Pork Fiber.
Few weeks ago, surprisingly I found a Made in Taiwan fried fish fiber in one Asia store!!!! Way too happy and bought it without a second thought!! At this time, fried fish fiber is as good as pork one!! And the first thought is: I am going to make Triangle Rice Ball!! :)
在台灣的時候, 中午很常到7-11買個御飯糰當午餐或晚餐吃~ 雖然有好多從創新到詭異的口味都有! 但是選來選去, 很多時候還是肉鬆口味會勝出! 簡單又有台灣味的味道, 最吸引人了啦!
前幾個星期在荷蘭的亞洲店竟然讓我找到了台灣的”魚鬆”!!!!大為震驚, 二話不說馬上買下手! 沒肉鬆, 魚鬆一樣讚!! 尤其還是台灣產品~~~ 實在是揪感心ㄟ~~而我買到魚鬆後第一個想吃它的方法… 就是御飯糰!!!!!來吧!來吧!~~(雀躍的跳進廚房~)
Ingredients for 2, 2 人份食材:
Rice 1 cups, 1杯米 (60ml)
Fried pork/ fish fiber 3 table spoon, 魚鬆3大匙
Mayonnaise 2.5 table spoon, 美乃滋2.5 大匙
Kyra Gook Idea, Kyra好煮易:
1. Add some white sesames and crushed sea weed will make the flavor even better, more like the one you can buy in the shop! For this time, because I am too impatient to cook it, so I forgot to add it….too bad~~
在肉/魚鬆裡加入一些白芝麻和碎海苔, 味道會更好, 更像商店買的哦~我是因為太心急, 所以忘了加 (殘念~)
2. Right now in mega stores or grocery stores in Taiwan you can find those rice ball or nigiri mold! The price won’t be higher then 1.25 euro! It is not only can help you save a lot of time and energy to shape the rice, but also clean and not sticky hands!!(If you are living in other countries and/ or you couldn’t find it, you can leave a message to me, maybe I can help you to buy it! :) ) 在台灣的賣場或雜貨店裡很容易買到這種作飯糰的輔助器! 最貴50元就有了! 現在是個講求快速, 簡單, 成果的時代~ 他能幫助你省超多時間, 和給你一雙不會黏呼呼的手哦~ (人在國外的朋友或買不到的朋友可以跟我說~ 我可以幫忙購入哦~)
Steps 做法:
1. Cook the rice. 把飯煮好
2. Put the fried pork/ fish fiber in to a bowl, add the mayonnaise in, and mix it well. (You can actually adjust the quantity of fiber and mayonnaise, just taste a bit and add more or less to fit your flavor~) 肉/魚鬆放入碗內, 加入美乃滋, 拌勻 (兩種的量其實可以自行增加或減少, 試吃一下, 調到你喜歡的口感!)
3.Put some rice in to the rice ball mold. (about half full)放少許飯到飯糰模型器裡 (約一半高)
4.Put some fillings (mixed fried pork/ fish fiber and mayonnaise) in the middle of the rice.放入調好的美乃滋魚/肉鬆 在中間
5.Add more rice in the mold to cover the fillings. 再添入飯, 覆蓋住餡料.
6.Put the lid on and PRESSSS~~. Open the lid after the rice ball is firm enough. Us the moveable part on the bottom of the mold to push the rice ball out! 蓋上蓋子, 壓~~~, 覺得飯緊實了再打開蓋子, 由模型背後的半活動板, 將飯糰推出來!
7.Wrap it with sea weed or rice spices, Pretty and tasty!!包上海苔或加上飯友, 美麗又好吃哦!!
Kyra Note, Kyra小叮嚀:
I think so far there are still no an official name for “fried pork fiber” in each Asia country, it has its’ own official name~~ anyway~ Here are some of the names I fond on the internet
因為很多亞洲國家都有肉鬆這樣產品, 各國都有自己的名字, 目前為止像還沒有一個國際大家都會知道的名字. 這些是我在網路上搜尋到的幾種叫法:
Fried pork fiberDried, shredded porkFried pork flakesDried meat flossAbon ayam (in Indonesia)Pork song (direct pronunciation is Rou Song, and “Rou” in this food usually made by pork. So I think in the US some people take both part to put it together in order to let people have more idea of what it is made from.)
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