
Boeuf Bourguignon 法式紅酒燉牛肉

When you see the name of this recipe, you might think “ wow… what a fancy and sounds difficult one~” To be honest, when my fiancé suggest me to cook this dish, I felt the same way~ But, after I cooked it, hey~ it is not so difficult!! The nice smell of wine will bland in to the beef and will full of the whole kitchen~ Especially that you can drink some of the red wine that you use for cooking while making this dish~  oh~ very nice~~~
我想很多人會和我一樣, 看到這道才時會覺得 這道菜看起來好豪華好難做的樣子~” 老實說, 我未婚夫建議我做這道菜時, 我心中也有這樣的OS. 但實際上做了之後,其實一點都不難喔!! 而且整個廚房和牛肉都充滿著紅酒香, 外加可以一邊煮菜一邊喝紅酒, ~~ 很讚喔~~
 Ingredients for 3 people, 3人份食材:

500g Beef top/ bottom round,500g 腱子肉或和尚頭
Salt and pepper, 鹽和胡椒
1 Table flour, 1大匙麵粉
15g butter, 15g 奶油
50g Less fat bacon, 50g 低脂培根
Dash of sunflower/ olive oil, 少許葵花油或橄欖油
85g mushroom, 85g洋菇
1.5 table spoon small silver onions, 1.5大匙的珍珠小洋蔥
70ml meat fond brun, 70ml濃肉高湯
130ml red wine, 130ml紅酒
1/3 branch of thyme, 1/3隻百里香
1 small bay leave, 1小片月桂葉
Some branch of parsley, 幾隻新鮮的巴西里香芹(荷蘭芹)

Ingredients for thicken 勾芡的材料:
8g flour, 8g 麵粉
8g liquid butter, 8g 液態奶油


Kyra Note, Kyra 小叮嚀:
* Looking for the English and Mandarin name for “Fond” in Dutch, spend me quite a few time…In case you want to know more about it, here are some definition in wikipedia~
為了荷文的 “fond”找英文和中文的正確翻譯, 花了我不少時間, 中文是我自己翻的..如果有人知道正確的名稱請告訴我哦~~以下是來自微基百科的解釋

* When you using your Fond, please check the package! Is it the concentrated fond or not! I was so stupid at the first time!!! I forgot the fond I bought is concentrated one….so, the first pot I made is WAAAAAAY too salty!! Ha ha ha …Next day I use the correct quantity to cook it again~ Hwooo~ Much better!!當你在使用濃肉湯/汁的時候請注意你的包裝說明哦!! 因為kyra 買就是濃縮的, 結果我完全忘掉, 結果煮出來的超鹹的啦!!第二天用正確的量煮, 就變的好好吃哦~~!!

Steps 步驟:
  1. Chop the beef into 2 x 3 cm cubes.把牛肉切成2x3公分的塊狀.

  1. Take a strong plastic bag and put the flour and some salt and pepper in.取一個比較不容易破的塑膠袋, 把麵粉, , 胡椒放進去.

  1. Put the beef in to the plastic back and shake it until the flour covered the beef evenly.把牛肉放進塑膠袋裡,搖晃至麵粉均勻的覆蓋住表面.

  1. Heat up the pan with 1/3 butter(5g) in it, and fry the bacon with medium/ small fire.熱鍋中加入1/3的奶油(5), 中小火慢煎培根

  1. Take the backed bacon out and add the rest of the butter (10g). Add the beef from the plastic bag in to the pan. Fry it until the beef covered with brown color.培根煎好了後取出來備用, 加入剩下的奶油 (10g), 再把牛肉放進去煎, 煎至表面沒有血色.

  1. Chop each mushroom into 4 pieces, and add it with sliver onions, bacon in to the pan together with the beef. 把洋菇用十字刀切成4, 和珍珠洋蔥, 培根一起丟進鍋裡.

  1. Add the fond and ¾ red wine in the pan too and mix it well.加入濃肉汁和3/4的紅酒, 拌均勻.

  1. Throw the thyme and bay leave in; and use low fire to stew it for 3 hours. Stir it every now and then. Add the rest of red wine in when the Boeuf Bourguignon is almost done.把百里香和月桂葉也放進鍋裡. 用小火燉3個小時, 期間要偶爾攪拌. 等燉牛肉塊好了的時候加入剩下的紅酒.

  1. Mix the ingredients for thicken well. After the stew is done, add it in to the pot and stir it well to thicken the Boeuf Bourguignon.把勾芡的食材拌勻, 加入鍋裡, 稍加攪拌至醬汁濃稠.

  1. Serve it with fresh parsley!食用前撒上一些巴西里增加香氣!

Kyra Gook Idea, Kyra好煮易:
- Potato, broccoli fried with garlic and carrots will be very tasty to serve together with the Boeuf Bourguignon! 馬鈴薯,大蒜炒花椰菜或紅蘿蔔都是很好的配菜哦!
- Using plastic bag to mix meat or seafood with flour or seasoning is a very convenient way to do it! This way can make the coat very even without dirty your hand!! You can apply in any cases in the future!  用塑膠袋來抓粉是很好很方便又不會弄髒手的小撇步哦! 以後在其他時候你也可以用這個好煮易哦!
- Kyra used the steam cooker to save the time and energy of 3 hours of stewing on the stove. If you have steam cooker, you can also try this way~ I steam it for 2 hours, 1 hour per time, 2 cups of outside water at each time. Pour the rest of red wine in at the second hour~這次燉煮的過程我一樣用電鍋來代替! 我分兩次煮, 一次一小時 (一次用2杯水), 第一次跳起來後加入剩下的紅酒. 電鍋真的好好用哦~~

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