
Steam cooker Shrimp Thick Soup 不開火電鍋蝦仁羹

Thick soup is one of the most popular and common Taiwanese small dishes! Kyra has the desire of it very often in Holland, it doesn’t matter if is squid thick soup or meat thick soup! Ahrrrr, I will drool a lot every time when I think about it~ I found a super easy way of cooking it on TV; after that, I cook this thick soup very often in Holland. Easy, fast and healthier then the one you buy from the vendors!! Come to try it! Try the steam cooker way of 20 mins’ tasty shrimp thick soup!!
羹可以算是台灣最常見的小吃了! Kyra在荷蘭中午的時後 常常想來一碗羹麵, 不管是魷魚羹還是肉羹~~ 口水流個不停啦~~ 那天在電視上發現這個超簡單的煮法, 實在是驚為天人, 常常在荷蘭煮這道!! 好煮,好吃 ,又不必擔心像外面一樣味素加太多, 不健康喔!! 大家快來試試看! 只要用電鍋20分鐘就可以煮好的蝦仁羹喔!!

Ingredients for 2 people 2人份食材:

Shrimp with shell 60g 帶殼蝦仁60g,
Tree mushroom 30g木耳30g 
Red carrot 30g 紅蘿蔔30g,
Bamboo shoots 30g筍絲30g,
Chicken soup base 1L雞高湯1L,
White pepper胡椒粉,
Rice cooking wine 1.5 tea spoon米酒1.5小匙,
Salt 1.5 tea spoon1.5小匙
DIY tea bag or stewing bag滷包袋/ 茶包袋1
Cornstarch 1.5 table spoon 太白粉1.5大匙


Black vinegar烏醋, Sesame oil香油, Crushed garlic蒜泥, Parsley香菜

  1. Chop the tree mushroom, red carrot and bamboo shoots into thin slices. 木耳, 蘿蔔, 竹筍切絲
I used white radish instead of tree mushroom this time~ 我這次用白蘿蔔代替木耳, 因為Sunday Hacker不喜歡啦~ 
  1. Remove the shrimps’ head, shell and intestinal mud; put the heads and shells in to the DIY tea bag or stewing bag. It will become the Shrimp soup base pack. Open the shrimp back and standby for the next step.蝦子開背去殼去腸泥備用, 蝦殼和蝦頭留下, 裝進滷包袋或茶葉袋, 就變成我們的高湯包囉!

  1. Put all the slices, shrimp shell soup base pack, chicken soup base, white pepper, rice cooking wine, salt in to the pot. (Basically, just throw all the ingredients in besides the shrimps in, you can also add everything you want!) Stir a bit, put the pot in to the steam cooker. Cook it for 15 mins. (half cup outside water). 把三種絲, 蝦殼高湯包 雞高湯, 胡椒粉(多一點沒關係), 米酒, , 通通丟進鍋子裡 (你也可以加入任何你喜愛的食材喔!), 拌勻, 鍋子放進電鍋裡, 15分鐘 (外鍋半杯水)
Kyra add fish balls, crab sticks, and home made egg dumplings this time ~Kyra這次加了魚丸,蟳味棒 和自己做的蛋餃喔~

  1.  Mix the shrimps with cornstarch or coupling powder把開背的蝦子用太白粉或耦粉抓勻.

  1.  After 15 mins; open the lid; take the shrimp soup base pack out; put the shrimps in; add some soup to mix with the rest of the cornstarch, add the cornstarch water back to the soup. Put the lid back on, wait for 5 mins. 15分鐘後湯好了, 鍋蓋打開, 把蝦殼湯包取出, 把蝦子放進去, 用鍋裡的湯拌開剩下的太白粉或耦粉, 加入鍋裡, 蓋鍋蓋, 5分鐘就好囉!!
Take the shrimp shell soup pack out!把蝦殼湯包拿出來~ 

Put the shrimps in. 把裹好太白粉的蝦子丟進去

Use some more cornstarch, if the soup is not thick enough.太白粉不夠的話再加一點
Use the soup from the pot to mix with the cornstarch.Pour it in to the soup again. Stir a bit, Put the lid on. 用煮好的湯混成太白粉水, 加回鍋裡, 攪拌, 蓋鍋蓋!
  1. Serve it with black vinegar, crushed garlic, sesame oil, parsley!  食用前, 加入烏醋, 蒜泥, 香油, 香菜, 就好囉!!

Kyra Gook Idea, Kyra 好煮易:
*Add cooked noodle, rice, or dumpling in. It will turn into a tasty meal!! 加麵或飯或水餃,就變成蝦仁羹麵 蝦仁羹飯 蝦仁湯餃囉!!!
*Easy way to prepare the shrimps: Scissors are very handy!! Although in Taiwan, Japan or China, scissors are not a common family kitchenware, but in Korea and Vietnam, scissors are as important as knife in the kitchen!
Cut the shrimps’ heads; directly cut the shrimps from the body to the tail with the shell on, but don’t cut the whole tail open! Then you can pull out the shrimp easily!
Using this way, you can open the back of shrimps , clean the intestinal mud and remove the shell in one cut! What a nice way~    
處理蝦子好方法: 剪刀是好幫手! 在台灣, 日本或大陸, 剪刀並不是常見的料理道具之一, 但是在韓國和越南可是和刀子一樣不可或缺的幫手喔!

把蝦頭剪掉, 直接連殼從身體剪到尾巴, 不要整隻剪完 即可將蝦肉拉出!

按次方法 一次可完成開背, 去殼, 腸泥也很好清除喔~

Kyra Notes, Kyra小叮嚀:
You can find dry tree mushroom in Asian food store (Toko shop in NL), don’t forget to soak it in some warm water to make it soft. Also, it is not easy to find fresh bamboo shoots outside of Asia. If the bamboo shoots you find is in the can, just like me, don’t forget to rinse it well first! 如果是乾木耳的話別忘了先泡水喔! 如果是罐頭竹筍的話, 也請先泡水喔!

Extra Picture of my lunch from the day after~ Just add some dumplings~ Yummy~ ~ 加送一張第二天用剩下的湯做的羹湯餃~~一樣好好吃捏~~ 

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