After the pumpkin soup from last time,half of my pumpkin was still lying in my refrigerator. Let’s find another way to eat it !
上次作南瓜濃湯的南瓜其實還剩一半在冰箱了一天, 今天想個不一樣的方法來吃它吧!!
About cooking, Kyra is always a pragmatist! Things that looks tasty, easy to cook and save time are my favorite recipes! I found this recipe from Christine’s recipes. It looks simple and easy, makes me want to make it very much! So, I steamed the pumpkin right away and tried this recipe. And…. The result is…not easy to cook and it takes a lot of time!! Oh oh ~a big N.G.~ But I spent some time to improve this recipe! It should be much easier and much faster now! So pay attention at “Kyra Gook Idea” from this post, hope everyone can have a simple & easy way to make pumpkin mochi/soft cake!
Kyra對於下廚一直是個務實主義者, 看起來好吃, 好煮, 又省時的食譜最對我的胃口啦! 我在CR簡易食譜上看到這個南瓜軟餅食譜, 吼, 很對我胃口! 馬上把我的南瓜蒸熟來做.. 結果.. 你們知道有多好笑嗎?! 不省時也不好煮!! 是個大NG 哦~~ 不過我花了多一些時間想對策! 應該會變的省時好煮多囉! 所以要好好注意這篇的”好煮易” 哦! 希望大家都有簡單又好煮的南瓜麻吉餅~
Ingredients 食材:
- Pumpkin meat 160g南瓜肉 160g
- Sugar 60g 糖60g
- Glutinous rice flour 80g 糯米粉80g
Steps 做法:
1.Chop the pumpkin in to small chunks, steam it or bake it until it is soft. (If you use steam cooker, 1 hour/ 2cups of outside water. If you use oven, 148℃/300℉ bake about 1 hour) 南瓜切小塊, 蒸熟或用烤箱烤熟 (電鍋蒸1小時/ 外鍋2杯水, 烤箱用148℃/300℉ 烤1小時)
2. Add the sugar in while the pumpkin is still hot. Mix it and stir it well. 趁熱加進糖60g, 攪拌成泥.
3.Divide the glutinous rice flour into 4 parts; slowly add it into the mashed pumpkin. Stir the mashed pumpkin until it won’t stick on your hand. 糯米粉概分成4 份, 分次加入南瓜泥拌勻至不黏手.
4. Cut the mashed pumpkin into pieces, and knead it into the shape you want!將南瓜泥分成塊 (大小則是看你想做大南瓜餅還是小南瓜餅囉~) 作成你想要的形狀.
5. Add some oil/ butter in the frying pan. Use medium fire; fry it until it is done. 熱平底鍋, 加少許油, 中火煎至熟透.
It looks very easy, right? Actually from steps1 to 4 is really easy, but step 5 looks easy but is the tricky part!
看起來真的很簡單吧! 其實從步驟1到4是真的不難, 但是看似簡單的步驟5其實就是奧妙所在囉!
*Evolved step 5 進化版 步驟5
Add some oil/ butter in the frying pan. Use low fire and keep turning it, avoid the cakes getting burned! Don’t make the cake too thick; otherwise, it will take very long to cook. (This step is really a test of my patience and focus…I almost fall asleep in front of the stove… he he~ ) 熱平底鍋, 加少許油, 小火慢慢煎, 要一至不斷的翻面, 避免燒焦! 餅的厚度不要太厚, 以免要煎很久~~ (這個步驟真的是考驗耐力和注意力…我煎到快睡著啦~)
*Super Evolved steps 5,6 超級進化版 步驟5,6
After step4, add some oil/ butter in the frying pan. Use low fire to fry each side for 1 min to make the shape firm. Take it out. 在步驟4完成後, 熱平底鍋, 加少許油, 小火煎兩面個1分鐘定型, 取出.
5. Put the pumpkin cake in to the microwave for 30 to 40second (Depending on how thick your cakes are, use more or less seconds. If you really don't know how long to put them in, just put them in 10 seconds at a a time, until they're done!) 將定型的南瓜餅放進微波爐裡30-40秒 (視你餅的厚度而定, 先用少的秒數, 從10秒開始, 不夠再慢慢加)
6. Put the well done pumpkin cakes back to the frying pan. Use low fire to fry it until they have crunchy coat! 將已經熟的南瓜餅再放回平底鍋內, 煎至表面酥酥的! 完成!!
- Microwave is super handy!! It will save you lots of time!!微波爐超好用的啦! 超省時的!
- To test if the pumpkin cake is done or not, the best way is to eat a little bit. It needs to be chewy but without the floury texture! 要測試熟了沒,最快的方法是試吃一點點, 沒有粉粉口感,而是QQ的口感就對啦!
- About glutinous rice flour, do not put it together with anything that has a heavy smell. The glutinous rice flour will absorb the smell~ Kyra did such a stupid thing.. I put it with the Chinese medicine that my mom sent to me… It turns out, every bite of my pumpkin mochi cake has a light and not matching herbs taste….ho ho ho ~ 關於糯米粉, 大家千萬別把糯米粉跟味道重的東西擺在一起! 糯米粉會吸味道~ Kyra就做了這麼一件蠢事, 我把糯米粉跟媽媽寄來的愛心四物擺在一起… 結果我的南瓜麻吉餅口口都有一股淡淡的愛心四物味窩~~哈哈哈
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