
Taiwan Eat & Play - 3rd Meal 台灣食旅- 第三頓

Today, the restaurant that I'm going to introduce can be considered one of the legends in Taiwan! Starting from 1990, it went through the tests of 20 years, and it is still popular! 
There is one shop right in the corner of my place, I remember that shop since I was a baby~ It was a luxury dinner if my family went there to eat, because you always needed to queue there! The business went down for several years, but surprisingly in these 5 years, they made some internal changes and redecorated their shops. And now this restaurant is alive again! 
Right now, you still needs to queue in front of it in the weekend! and this restaurant is called -- My Home Steak!    

今天要介紹的這家店,真的可以說是台灣的奇蹟之一, 從1990年開始, 經歷了20年時間的考驗, 依然屹立不搖! 尤其是我家巷口的那家店, 從我小時候到現在, 雖然經歷了一陣子的低潮, 但這幾年他們經歷了翻修, 調整, 現在又跟我小時候一樣, 每天都高朋滿座, 週末的時候一定大排長龍! 它就是~ "我 家 牛 排 "

My Home Steak is a franchise low price steak house with the longest history in Taiwan~
If you compare the quality of their steaks to other new steak houses, My Home Steak's steaks are not as good as the others; but if you look at its nice price and numerous choices of salad bar, fruit, drinks and dessert, this is one of the restaurants you need to try in Taiwan. Plus the historical value and memories~ 
 我家牛排應該可以算是台灣歷史最悠久的連鎖平價牛排店吧! 雖然它的牛排跟現在的其他牛排專賣店比起來, 是真的遜色不少.
但是! 比上它的平價 和它豐富到讓你傻眼自助吧, 還有那特別有意義的歷史感~ 所以我每次回台灣只要有機會, 一定會找時間去吃~ 那是從小到大的味道耶!!

This is their steak menu, they also have pork, chicken, lamb,sea food category! 23 menus in totally!!
這只是他們的牛排菜單, 還有豬排類, 雞排類,羊排類,海鮮類..一共23種可以選擇哦~

This is the specialty of My Home Steak! The taste lasted for 20 years--Corn soup and Garlic bread!! Actually I think 70% of my reason to go there is for these two dishes!
再來是我家牛排20年不變的招牌味道--玉米濃湯和大蒜麵包!!!我愛死這兩味了~ 老實說每次去應該都是衝著這兩樣吧~

This is the all you can eat salad bar of the shop near my place~這是我們家這家的沙拉吧菜色~

Drinks bar and the pop corn machine are also supplied in the shop that I went to, but I forgot to take pictures... So I used the pics from another blogger "小公主Irene". 飲料吧和爆米花機也是我去的那家店有的, 只是我忘了照相.. 所以借用網路上'小公主Irene'的照片一下

This is my order-- 8ounces Marbled steak!我點的8盎司雪花牛排!
Another classic serving way of My Home Steak-- Sizzling macaroni and Sizzling egg!我家牛排的另一個經典之一, 牛排下的鐵板面和新鮮的鐵板蛋!!

Because I didn't take enough pictures, so I looked it up online and I found out each My Home Steak shop will have some differences in their salad bar, here are some pictures from other My Home Steak shops!
我後來上網找了一下, 發現每家菜色都不同!有些家的更精緻更多選擇哦!!以下是一些我在網路上找的其他家不同的沙拉吧彩色哦!

 Super luxury all you can eat salad bar!超級豪華的沙拉吧
Cakes 蛋糕區
Herbal tea area 花茶區
 Taiwanese appetizer 台灣小菜
Dessert, cake and fruit! 甜點蛋糕水果區
This shop even has a Chocolate fountain!!這家還有巧克力噴泉是怎樣~~

Very attractive, right!!My friends in Taiwan, if you have time, I suggest you can go there and enjoy the old taste! If you are from other countries, and you have chance to go to Taiwan, don't forget to try it!
很吸引人吧!!!台灣的朋友們有空可以去回味一下老味道哦! 國外的朋友們如果有機會去台灣, 也別錯過哦!! ^^

Kyra Note, Kyra小叮嚀:
I need to mention one thing in here! I think every one will know that when a country's cuisine is served in other countries, the taste need to/ will be changed adapted to the local taste. 
So the steak sauce, garlic bread and the corn soup from My Home Steak are the taste of Taiwanese style western food from 20 years ago
If you are going to try this, you should keep an open mind and taste it as tasting Taiwanese steak and Taiwanese corn soup! :) 
(And don't worry, in Taiwan you still can find restaurants that cook classic and original western cuisine as well!)    
不過我在這裡要提醒外國的朋友一件事哦! 我想大家都知道當某一國的料理去到另一個國家的時候, 味道常常會因當地人的口味而有所改變. 所以我家牛排的 牛排醬, 大蒜麵包 和玉米濃湯也都是20年前的台灣西式口味哦~
如果你要來試試看我家牛排的話, 要用開闊的心胸來品嚐台灣牛排和台灣玉米濃湯哦!
(此外, 你也不用擔心口味不合!因為在台灣還是有超多正統又美味的西方料理哦!!)

This is the website of My Home Steak.順便附上我家牛排的網址嘍~

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