Kyra and her fiancé are both caught a cold this week~ running noses, burning throat… That really make us don’t have that much appetite~ In this kind of situation, rice porridge is the best choice! It can warm your stomach, easy to eat, easy to digest!
Normally if you want the best taste and texture, you will need to follow the tradition way which is using pot to stew it from the beginning. But it takes more then 1 hours to stir and stand next to the stove ~ And the other way is only use steam cooker to make it. It saves a lot of time, but the rice and the soup is apart… The way that Kyra is going to share with you is combining two ways, which is the technical from my mom! Let check it out~
I will show you how to cook the pure rice porridge, and after that I will post some other flavors that you can play with!!
Kyra 和未婚夫這個星期都在感冒中~流鼻涕, 喉嚨痛, 實在沒什麼食欲, 這種時候稀飯是最好的選擇啦! 暖胃,好入口, 又好消化!一般來說是用鍋子煮, 但是從生米到煮好, 可是要至少要守在火爐旁1小時以上喔~ 只用電鍋煮的話, 水和飯是分開開的窩~~Kyra 這招是雙劍合碧!! 這方法可是Kyra媽媽教的喔!請了~
我會先示範怎麼煮白稀飯, 之後提供可變化的各種口味!
Pure Porridge for 2 person 白稀飯 (兩人份):Ingredients 食材:
Rice 1 cup米1杯 (1 cup =150ml )
Water 8 cups 水8杯 (When you want to make salty flavor porridge, you can use soup base instead water) (如果你想做鹹粥的話, 可以將水換成高湯)
- Wash the rice (at least 3 times)and pour the dirty water out, add 4 cups of water in, and put the rice into the steam cooker for 15 mins (outside water half cup). 將米洗淨, 加入4杯水, 放入電鍋蒸15分鐘 (外鍋半杯水)
- After the rice is done in the steam cooker, move the rice to the stove. Add 3 more cups of water in it. Use lower fire to stew it, and don’t forget to keep stirring it! 蒸完後移至火爐上再加3杯水 , 小火慢燉, 要一直攪拌喔!
3. The last cup of water is for you to adjust the thickness of the rice porridge.最後一杯水視你稀飯希望的濃稠度, 來做調整! 白稀飯就完成囉!
Kyra Gook Idea, Kyra好煮易:
* If you add some more ingredients you like, it will turns to flavored rice porridge! Most of the additional ingredients just add it at the end (after step 2), especially for meat and sea food. If the ingredients that you want to add is more difficult to cooked or you like it to be soft, you can also add it directly from the beginning (step 1)!
加料就會變成任何你想要的粥品囉!大部分的食材都到最後 (步驟2完成後)再來加, 由其是肉類,海鮮 要避免煮過頭! 如果是比較難煮熟的食材, 或是你喜歡實在燉的很爛的話, 也可在放入電鍋時就加囉!
*Kyra cooked Lean meat rice porridge with egg. Here is the gook idea while cooking it :Add the meat slices in to the cooked rice porridge, and pour the blended egg in to the porridge when the pork is turning white. Stir it a bit (Don't stir it too much). After the egg is cooked, add the spring onion! Tasty rice porridge is done!
Kyra 這次煮的是瘦肉粥加蛋! 提供一些加料時的小撇步: 稀飯好的時候加入豬肉絲攪一攪....發現肉絲變白色之後加入蛋液攪一下. (不要攪太兇喔). 煮好後加入蔥花就很美味了!
Now is the time to share how to make some classic flavored rice porridge! But don’t forget cooking is also playing! You don’t need to follow everything; you can also create your own rice porridge with your secret ingredients!
接下來是為各位介紹可以做成的經典粥品時間~ 但別忘了, 煮飯也是一種玩樂喔! 試試看加入任何你想要的食材! 你也可以擁有你自己的私房粥~
Sea Food Congee for 1 person 海產粥 一人份
-Ingredients: 5 Shrimps 蝦仁5隻, 4-5 slices of Squid切花魷魚4~5片, 7-8 Clams蛤蜊7~8顆, Chopped celery 1 spoon 芹菜末1匙, Ginger slices ½ bowl 薑絲1/2小碗, Snapper pieces 105g 鯛魚片3兩
-Marinade sauce for fish醃料: Rice cooking wine 1eat spoon米酒1匙, White pepper few白胡椒粉少許.
-Seasonings調味料: Rice cooking wine few米酒少許, Sale 1 tea spoon 鹽1匙, Chicken Bouillon Powder 1 tea spoon雞粉1小匙, White pepper few白胡椒粉少許
-Use soup base to cook the rice, instead of the water. 用高湯代替水來煮稀飯
1. Clean the intestinal mud from the shrimp, quick boiled the squid. Drain it and standby for later.蝦仁去腸泥/魷魚洗淨後過水川燙 利乾備用
2. Put the clams into salted cold water in order to clean the mud inside the clams. Rinse it afterwards. (Do this step if your clams is alive.) 蛤蜊加鹽泡冷水吐沙下鍋前洗淨
3. Marinade the snapper pieces in the marinade sauce for 5 mins.鯛魚片加醃料抓勻醃5分鐘
4. Add all the sea food ingredients in to the cooked rice porridge. When the sea food are cooked, add the ginger slices, seasonings. Serve with celery and pepper . 加入所有海鮮食材到煮好的白粥裡.待粥再滾時放入薑絲/調味料拌勻. 起鍋時放入芹菜末/胡椒粉即可
1. Clean the intestinal mud from the shrimp, quick boiled the squid. Drain it and standby for later.蝦仁去腸泥/魷魚洗淨後過水川燙 利乾備用
2. Put the clams into salted cold water in order to clean the mud inside the clams. Rinse it afterwards. (Do this step if your clams is alive.) 蛤蜊加鹽泡冷水吐沙下鍋前洗淨
3. Marinade the snapper pieces in the marinade sauce for 5 mins.鯛魚片加醃料抓勻醃5分鐘
4. Add all the sea food ingredients in to the cooked rice porridge. When the sea food are cooked, add the ginger slices, seasonings. Serve with celery and pepper . 加入所有海鮮食材到煮好的白粥裡.待粥再滾時放入薑絲/調味料拌勻. 起鍋時放入芹菜末/胡椒粉即可
Vegetable Congee for1 person蔬菜鹹粥 一人份
-Ingredients 材料: Lean meat 105g 瘦肉3兩, 1 Spring onion 蔥1根, ¼ Carrot紅羅蔔1/4條, 1/6 Cabbage高麗菜1/6個, Chopped Celery 1 eat spoon芹菜末1匙
-Marinade sauce for meat 醃料: Rice cooking wine 1 eat spoon米酒1匙, Soy sauce 1 eat spoon 醬油1匙, Sugar 1 tea spoon糖1小匙, Sesame oil few香油少許
-Seasonings調味料: Salt 1 tea spoon鹽1匙, Sesame oil few香油少許, Pepper few 胡椒粉少許
1.Rinse the lean meat , cut it into slices, and marinade for 15 mins.瘦肉洗淨切條放入醃料醃15分
2.Slices the carrot and cabbage, cut the spring onion羅蔔切絲/高麗菜切粗絲備用/蔥切段
3.Heat up the pan, add 1 eat spoon oil, Saute the spring onion and fry the carrot and cabbge.熱鍋 倒1匙油加入蔥爆香放入作法2.炒至微軟
4. Add the meat in to the pure rice porridge and don’t cook too long. 放入肉絲至白粥裡略煮.(肉放入前稍瀝乾)
5. Serve with sesame oil, celery and pepper.起鍋後淋香油/芹菜末/胡椒粉即可
-Ingredients 材料: Lean meat 105g 瘦肉3兩, 1 Spring onion 蔥1根, ¼ Carrot紅羅蔔1/4條, 1/6 Cabbage高麗菜1/6個, Chopped Celery 1 eat spoon芹菜末1匙
-Marinade sauce for meat 醃料: Rice cooking wine 1 eat spoon米酒1匙, Soy sauce 1 eat spoon 醬油1匙, Sugar 1 tea spoon糖1小匙, Sesame oil few香油少許
-Seasonings調味料: Salt 1 tea spoon鹽1匙, Sesame oil few香油少許, Pepper few 胡椒粉少許
1.Rinse the lean meat , cut it into slices, and marinade for 15 mins.瘦肉洗淨切條放入醃料醃15分
2.Slices the carrot and cabbage, cut the spring onion羅蔔切絲/高麗菜切粗絲備用/蔥切段
3.Heat up the pan, add 1 eat spoon oil, Saute the spring onion and fry the carrot and cabbge.熱鍋 倒1匙油加入蔥爆香放入作法2.炒至微軟
4. Add the meat in to the pure rice porridge and don’t cook too long. 放入肉絲至白粥裡略煮.(肉放入前稍瀝乾)
5. Serve with sesame oil, celery and pepper.起鍋後淋香油/芹菜末/胡椒粉即可
Pi - dan - Shou - rou Zhou (Preserved Egg and Lean Meat) for 1 person 皮蛋瘦肉粥(一人份)
-Ingredients材料: 1 Preserved Egg皮蛋1顆, Chopped spring onion few蔥花少許, 1 Chicken bouillon cube 雞湯塊一塊, 1 fried fritter油條 一根, 1 egg 雞蛋一顆, Pork slices 豬肉絲
-Ingredients材料: 1 Preserved Egg皮蛋1顆, Chopped spring onion few蔥花少許, 1 Chicken bouillon cube 雞湯塊一塊, 1 fried fritter油條 一根, 1 egg 雞蛋一顆, Pork slices 豬肉絲
-Use soup base to cook the rice, instead of the water. 用高湯代替水來煮稀飯
1. Chop the preserved egg, tear the fried fritter in the 3 cm small pieces, and cut the pork into slices. 先把皮蛋切碎.油條撕成小段約3公分左右.豬肉切絲備用
2. Add the pork slices in to the cooked rice porridge, and pour the blended egg in to the porridge when the pork is turning white. Stir the it a bit and put the lid on. 稀飯好的時候加入豬肉絲攪一攪....發現肉絲變白色之後加入蛋液攪一攪...蓋上鍋蓋
3. After the rice porridge is done, add the preserved egg, spring onion, stir it, and put the fried fritter on.煮好後加入皮蛋.蔥花拌一拌...灑上油條後就很美味了
1. Chop the preserved egg, tear the fried fritter in the 3 cm small pieces, and cut the pork into slices. 先把皮蛋切碎.油條撕成小段約3公分左右.豬肉切絲備用
2. Add the pork slices in to the cooked rice porridge, and pour the blended egg in to the porridge when the pork is turning white. Stir the it a bit and put the lid on. 稀飯好的時候加入豬肉絲攪一攪....發現肉絲變白色之後加入蛋液攪一攪...蓋上鍋蓋
3. After the rice porridge is done, add the preserved egg, spring onion, stir it, and put the fried fritter on.煮好後加入皮蛋.蔥花拌一拌...灑上油條後就很美味了
Onion Tuna Congee for 1 person洋蔥鮪魚稀飯(1人份)
-Ingredients材料: Half of tuna can鮪魚罐頭半罐, half onion洋蔥半個, half chicken bouillon cube雞湯塊半塊, 4 cups of water
-Use soup base to cook the rice, instead of the water. 用高湯代替水來煮稀飯
1. Directly put the drained tuna from the can, chopped onion, the half chicken bouillon cube, cleaned rice, and 4 cups of water into the steam cooker. 把瀝乾油的鮪魚半罐,切碎的洋蔥半個及半個雞湯塊和水丟進內鍋.
2. Follow the Kyra’s recipe, move the pot to the stove from the steam cooker. Add the additional water to adjust how thick the porridge you want. 接下來按照kyra之前的雙劍合碧法, 把電鍋煮好的粥移到火爐上煮, 加水來調整稠度 和熟度.
Sweet Potato Congee for 1 person地瓜稀飯 (1人份)
-Ingredients材料:1 Small sweet potato 地瓜小條的一根, half cup of rice米約半杯多一點
1.Wash the rice把米洗好
2. Peel the sweet potato and cut it into small cube. Together with the rice, put them in to a pot. 把地瓜洗淨削皮切小塊放到洗米的電鍋內鍋
3.Put the pot in to steam cooker. 4 cups water in side the pot, half cup for the outside water.內鍋放四杯水 外鍋放半杯水
-Ingredients材料:Rice 1 cup米1杯, Spareribs 300g排骨半斤, 3 Shitake香菇3朵, 1/3 Taro 芋頭1/3個, Carrot few紅蘿蔔少許, Chopped Celery and Spring onion few芹菜末或蔥花少許, 8 cups of water水8杯
-Seasonings調味料:Salt 1 eat spoon鹽1大匙, Pepper few胡椒粉適量
1.Wash the rice and spareribs, Chop the carrot, shitake and taro into big cubes.將米與排骨洗淨,紅蘿蔔、香菇、芋頭切大丁。
2. Put all the ingredients in to the steam cooker. 1cup of outside water. After the rice porridge is done, leave it inside the steam cooker for 5 more mins. Add the seasonings in and stir it well. 所有材料放入大同電鍋內鍋,外鍋放1杯水,煮至開關跳起後再悶5分鐘,加入調味料即可。
Clam Congee for 1 person 蛤蠣鮮粥 (1人份)
-Ingredients材料:Clams 210g 蛤蠣6兩, 1 Spring onion青蔥一枝, Ginger 2 slices薑2片 half cup rice半杯米.
-Seasonings調味料: Salt, MSG 1 tea spoon 鹽 味精各1小匙, Sesame oil, rice cooking wine, black pepper few. 香油 米酒 黑胡椒各少許
1. Put the clams into salted cold water in order to clean the mud inside the clams. Rinse it afterwards. (Do this step if your clams is alive.)蛤蠣吐沙後洗淨備用
2.Put the clams on top of the cleaned rice with 3 cups of water in the pot 米洗淨後 放入電鍋內鍋將蛤蠣均勻分開放入 加入清水3杯
3.Put the ginger, salt and MSG in to the pot. Use 1& 1/2cup to outside water to steam it. 將薑片及鹽 味精一起放入內鍋中外鍋加水1杯半煮至開關跳起
4. Serve with rice cooking wine, sesame oil, black pepper and chopped spring onion. 裝入容器後 淋上米酒香油及黑胡椒粉 蔥切成蔥珠撒上即可
By the way, Here is the traditional way to cook rice porridge, in case you don’t have steam cooker!
The rice and water proportion of the medium thickness rice porridge is 1:8, which is 1cup of rice and 8 cups of water. 喜歡吃適度儂稠度的稀飯請以1:8的比例下去煮, 也就是1杯米8杯水
1. First, wash the rice (3 times) and pour 8 cups of water in. Put it on the stove and cook it until is boiling. 把米洗好水量好~~開火煮沸
2. Turn the fire down, use the low fire to stew it about 30-50 mins.關文火,慢憞約30分鐘到50分鐘.
3. During the whole time you need to keep an eye on it. Stir it frequently, don’t let the rice stick to the button of the pot. 期間請不時攪拌一下,以免有些米粒粘在鍋底~~
2. Turn the fire down, use the low fire to stew it about 30-50 mins.關文火,慢憞約30分鐘到50分鐘.
3. During the whole time you need to keep an eye on it. Stir it frequently, don’t let the rice stick to the button of the pot. 期間請不時攪拌一下,以免有些米粒粘在鍋底~~
Fried a super simple cabbage to be the side dish, healthy and tasty!! This is Kyra and her fiance's recovering meal!
炒個超簡單的高麗菜, 健康又好吃!!這就是Kyra和未婚夫的養病健康餐啦!
Reference: 煮好的粥稀飯食譜, Yahoo knowledge 回答者: 紫雨戀, 小小.
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