When people live in other countries, sometimes you will just want to taste the Taiwanese flavor! Talk about Taiwanese flavor, beef noodles is one of the flavors that I miss the most! The way I learned from many recipes always need to use the halogen package, but sometimes I think the herb flavors are too heavy. Sometimes tasty sometimes not~ But after I learned this recipe, you don’t need to use halogen package anymore!! Especially I think the taste is similar to the restaurants!! Come and try this easy and tasty braise beef noodles!
當人住在國外的時候, 有時候最想要的就是懷念一下台灣味!! 說到台灣味, 其中的代表之一就是牛肉麵啦! 之前跟媽媽學的做法總是要加滷包, 但有時候我總覺得中藥味太重, (不知道是不是滷包份量的問題) 有時好吃有時不好吃~ 但是自從我學了這個做法後~ 滷包用完了也沒關係啦!! 而且我覺得味道跟小吃店賣的差不多哦!! 快來試試這簡單又好吃的紅燒牛肉麵吧!!
Ingredients for 3 people,3人份食材:
450g Flank (beef), 450g牛腩
450g Red carrot plus turnip, 450g紅蘿蔔加白蘿蔔
2 Garlic pieces, 2瓣蒜
2 Spring onion, 2隻蔥
2 Medium size tomato, 2個中型番茄
3-4 Slice gingers, 3-4片薑
480ml Water, 480ml水
2 Table spoon sesame oil, 2大匙 麻油
2 Table spoon sugar, 2大匙 糖
2 Table spoon bean paste, 2大匙 豆瓣醬
30ml Soy sauce, 30ml醬油
30ml Cooking rice wine, 30ml米酒
2 Star anise, 2個 八角
1 Chili pepper, 1個 辣椒
- Put the beef in to boiled water for about 15 second, in order to get rid of the blood and bad taste from the beef. After that, take the beef out and rinse it with cold water, standby. 川燙一下牛肉至表面不見血水, 再用冷水過一下,備用.
- Put the sesame oil in the heated pot and put ginger slices in. Fry it until the side is turning golden brown (Use medium/ low fire, Sesame oil will become bitter if the temperature is too high). Add 2 table spoon sugars, water and bean paste in to the pot. 用麻油起鍋入薑片 (請用中小火, 麻油燒過頭會有苦味!), 煎至薑片邊邊有點微焦, 加入2大匙糖,水,豆瓣醬.
- Put the beef, star anise, chili pepper, chopped spring onion, tomato cubes, garlic in to the pot to boil it. After the soup is boiled turn the fire down, use low fire and stew for 45 mins. (Add the carrots and turnips after 15 mins of the stewing time.)把肉, 八角, 辣椒, 蔥段, 蕃茄塊, 蒜入鍋煮滾. 用小火燉45分鐘, 15分鐘過後加入蘿蔔!
- Add the cooked noodles and vegetables! Done! 加入燙好的麵 還有青菜! 完成!
Kyra Note, Kyra小叮嚀:
* Because Kyra really likes the stewed and soft turnips, so I add it all in from the beginning of the stewing process. (Which means I stew them for 45mins.)
* From my pictures you should found out that Kyra used steam cooker to stew stuff Again!! I also steam it for 45 mins, which is 1.5 cups of outside water! (90ml). Yes, I really like using steam cooker! Easy, clean and save energy!
從圖片中你應該可以發現, 在燉煮的過程中. 我又使用電鍋啦!! 我一樣用電鍋燉45分鐘(1.5杯的水, =90ml的水). 電鍋真的是我的最愛窩!!
從圖片中你應該可以發現, 在燉煮的過程中. 我又使用電鍋啦!! 我一樣用電鍋燉45分鐘(1.5杯的水, =90ml的水). 電鍋真的是我的最愛窩!!
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