
Creamy Pumpkin Soup 南瓜濃湯

It is the end of Halloween~ Now is the time to take your big decoration pumpkin to the kitchen! Let's cook something easy and tasty~
萬聖節過完了, 是時候把家裡裝飾的南瓜殺來吃啦~ 其實南瓜濃湯是很好做的一道菜哦! 抱起你的南瓜, 奔向廚房吧~

Ingredients of dinner for 2 people 食材 (2人份當晚餐的量):

1.Pumpkin350g (Net weight of pumpkin meat)南瓜350g (去皮去籽的重量哦!)
2.Onion 100g 洋蔥100g
3.Soup base 1L (Chicken or vegetable) 高湯1L(雞高湯或蔬菜高湯)
4.Bay Leaves 1 月桂葉1片
5.Cooking Cream 175g 鮮奶油175g
6.Butter 10 c.c. 奶油10c.c.
7.White pepper, Salt, Nutmeg, few白胡椒, 鹽, 荳蔻粉 少許

Steps 做法:

1.Remove the skin and seeds from pumpkin. Chop it into small pieces, and fry it until cooked. (You can save  the seeds, I will post a baked pumpkin seeds recipe next time.) 
南瓜去皮切小塊炒熟 (把籽留下來, 可以作瓜子哦~ 明天會補po做法)

Kyra Gook Idea: Kyra好煮易:
Frying the pumpkin takes longer! I used rice cooker to cook it! Directly put pumpkin chunks (with skin) in the rice cooker, cook it for 1 hour (which means 2 cups of outside water for Da- Tong rice cooker). When pumpkin is cooked, the skin is very easy to peel! If you don't have rice cooker, you can also boil it until you can poke in to it easily! But the flavor of pumpkin might get less due to the boiling process.)
用炒的真的比較慢, 我是直接帶皮的小塊南瓜用電鍋蒸熟, 好去皮又省時! (大約蒸1小時, 也就是外鍋兩杯水的意思啦!) 如果你沒有電鍋的話, 其實用水煮也行哦,只是南瓜的風味有可能會被煮掉一些哦~)

2.While we are waiting for the pumpkin. Chop the onion into small pieces. Use 10 c.c. of butter to fry it. Stop when the onion color is turning a little bit transparent, don't wait for it to become  yellow and soft~
等南瓜時間, 把洋蔥切小塊, 用10cc的奶油炒香, 顏色變為透明就好, 不要變到黃軟哦~

3.Put pumpkin, onion, bay leave, nutmeg in to the soup base and cook 10-15 mins with medium fire.
南瓜,洋蔥, 月桂葉, 荳蔻粉入高湯裡用中火煮 10~15分鐘.

4.Take the bay leave out, and put everything in to the food processor. Blend it until it's smooth.  
取出月桂葉, 放入食物攪拌機打勻.

5.Pour it back to the pot. Heat it up when you want to eat it, add white pepper, salt and cooking cream! Da la~ Pumpkin soup is done! (You should tast the soup before you season it, because the soup base is already pretty salty.)
倒回鍋子裡, 要吃的時候在加熱, 加鮮奶油, 白胡椒, 鹽 調味 (因為高湯已經有鹹了,所以大家就自己斟酌囉~)

Cooking Note小心得:
*Sea food is such a perfect match with pumpkin soup!! Add some shrimps, crabs.. oh oh oh~~yummy~
南瓜湯和海鮮超對味的哦! 加點蟹腳,蝦子~ 好吃的不得了窩~~
*When I making this, the recipe didn't show the net weight of pumpkin meat. I followed the gross weight, but after I removed the skin and seeds.. not enough pumpkin meat left. So the soup is not as thick as I wanted. The recipe I wrote it here is adjust with my own experiences! If you want it even thicker,  you may add more pumpkin meat or less soup base! Enjoy it!
Kyra 自己在作的時候,食譜上沒有寫南瓜的淨重, 結果, 用去完皮籽之後的肉變少少的, 煮出來沒有我想要的那麼濃稠~~所以, 這是我體驗後更改的食譜, 大家如果想要更濃的南瓜湯, 就多加點南瓜囉或高湯少加一點!

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