
Start from Halloween! 就從萬聖節起步吧!

終於開張了! 既然在這麼特別的日子開張, 那就來個萬聖節特集吧~
其實荷蘭人不怎過萬聖節的! 但是對年輕人來說,這是個Party的好日子! 所以商家裡到處賣著萬聖節的服裝,裝飾.  但記得幾年前到盧森堡, 比利時的時候, 蛋糕店, 麵包店, 甜點店都充滿著萬聖節的氣氛哦!! 來和大家分享一下吧!!
Finally, started my own blog! With such a special date - Halloween, let's write something about this!
Actually Dutch don't celebrate Halloween that much! But it is still a great chance for young people to party! Therefore, most of the shops are full of Halloween's decoration and costumes.
I traveled  to Belgium and Luxembourg a few years ago, It was full of Halloween atmosphere downtown. Let's check some pictures and get into the mood a bit more~~       

All the pastry stores are painted with orange and super cute decorations~~ 
 超多萬聖主題的巧克力, 南瓜,栗子, 香菇都作的幾可亂真哦!!
Love those pumpkin, chestnut and mushroom shape's chocolate!! Makes me wanna eat them all!!

There were even  giant cute pumpkins on the streets~~ 

說到南瓜, 等萬聖節過了,來用剩下的南瓜煮東西吧!!請大家敬請期待哦~~
Talking about pumpkins! After Halloween, let's cook something with my leftover pumpkin!! Please stay tuned~~ ^__^

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