
Taiwan Eat & Play - Second Meal 台灣食旅-第二餐

This weekend my whole family went to a  nice fine dining restaureant in Wu-Lai called 名流水岸 (Ming Liu Shui An). In these years, elite food and dinning style is very popular in Taiwan! But because of the high quality food and service, the price will be also much higher than the usual standard. In this kind of restaurant, the chef will decide the menu in advance depending on the season and the ingredients they bought that day; therefore there are usually only a few set menus to choose from. For instance, this restaurant only has 2 styles to choose from (at the night we went). This style is not so commen in western countries (at least in Holland), so my mom really want to bring my fiance to here to try it~
We were planing to go to another same style restaurant, but that restaurant was fully booked. Compared to the best one, this restaurant's serving speed is a bit too fast (did they want to get rid of us as quickly as possible?), but the quantity of each dish is a bit more than the others~   I might consider this restaurant as a medium-high level in this kind of elite dining restaurants!
這個週末, 全家人一起去了烏來的名流水岸吃大餐~~這是台灣這幾年很流行的一種精緻養生餐廳. 菜單都是餐廳已經設訂好的了, 大約只有2到3種套餐的選擇~ 這種點菜法在國外不常見, 特別帶我的未婚夫來見識一下啦 ~
跟其他家類似的餐廳比起來, 名流水岸的份量算是大的~ 上菜速度也有點太快~ 不過在訂不到其他兩家同性質餐廳的情況下~ 這家也是很錯的精緻用餐選擇喔~

Taiwan Eat & Play - First Meal 台灣食旅-第一餐

Taiwan’s tasty food and nice restaurants are everywhere! Not only in the city center, could be in a small alley, could be in the traditional markets! For instance, there are at least 7 nice restaurants in Kyra’s neighborhood! Every time when I go back to Taiwan, I need to eat each of them at least once! :)  This one is a new Japanese restaurant opened 2 years ago~ This is my first time to go there, let’s check some nice pics of it!
台灣的美食真的是處處都找的到喔! 不像荷蘭大部分的餐廳都在市中心. 在台灣的小巷子裡,菜市場裡都找的到喔~ Kyra家附近就至少有7家好吃的餐廳喔! 昨天和家人第一次去了一家兩年前在附近新開的日本料理, 來看看好不好吃吧~

Easy Taiwanese Braise Beef Noodles 免滷包好吃紅燒牛肉麵

When people live in other countries, sometimes you will just want to taste the Taiwanese flavor! Talk about Taiwanese flavor, beef noodles is one of the flavors that I miss the most! The way I learned from many recipes always need to use the halogen package, but sometimes I think the herb flavors are too heavy. Sometimes tasty sometimes not~ But after I learned this recipe, you don’t need to use halogen package anymore!! Especially I think the taste is similar to the restaurants!! Come and try this easy and tasty braise beef noodles!

當人住在國外的時候, 有時候最想要的就是懷念一下台灣味!! 說到台灣味, 其中的代表之一就是牛肉麵啦! 之前跟媽媽學的做法總是要加滷包, 但有時候我總覺得中藥味太重, (不知道是不是滷包份量的問題) 有時好吃有時不好吃~ 但是自從我學了這個做法後~ 滷包用完了也沒關係啦!! 而且我覺得味道跟小吃店賣的差不多哦!! 快來試試這簡單又好吃的紅燒牛肉麵吧!!

Boeuf Bourguignon 法式紅酒燉牛肉

When you see the name of this recipe, you might think “ wow… what a fancy and sounds difficult one~” To be honest, when my fiancé suggest me to cook this dish, I felt the same way~ But, after I cooked it, hey~ it is not so difficult!! The nice smell of wine will bland in to the beef and will full of the whole kitchen~ Especially that you can drink some of the red wine that you use for cooking while making this dish~  oh~ very nice~~~
我想很多人會和我一樣, 看到這道才時會覺得 這道菜看起來好豪華好難做的樣子~” 老實說, 我未婚夫建議我做這道菜時, 我心中也有這樣的OS. 但實際上做了之後,其實一點都不難喔!! 而且整個廚房和牛肉都充滿著紅酒香, 外加可以一邊煮菜一邊喝紅酒, ~~ 很讚喔~~

Sunday Hacker - Quesadillas 週日駭客-墨西哥烤餅!

I would expect Kyra to change her password after I hacked into her account so easily last time, but I guess she didn't mind. So, here we go again!
我原本以為Kyra會因為她的網誌遭我輕易盜入後而更換密碼, 但大家看看! 我又在這啦! 我想~她應該很不在意說~~ 哈哈! 那我就再來Po一篇吧!

Today I made a nice lunch for the two of us: Quesadillas (Cheese Tortillas) I hadn't made them before but it was so easy that even I didn't manage to fuck it up.
今天中午我做了Quesadillas (Cheese Tortillas) 墨西哥烤餅! 雖然我沒有做過這道菜, 但是!! 因為這道菜太簡單啦!簡單到讓我完全沒有搞砸的機會~ 所以,不用擔心你沒做過菜, 一起來吧!

Japanese Triangle Rice Ball- Fried Fish Fiber Flavor日式魚鬆御飯糰

When I in Taiwan, it is very common and often to go to 7-11 to buy a Triangle rice ball for lunch or dinner. Although they have so many flavors, from fusion creative flavor to weird flavor, so many that you need to spend 10 mins to decide! But for me, after 10 mins, my final decision still goes back to the simple but tasty Taiwanese flavor - Fried Pork Fiber.
Few weeks ago, surprisingly I found a Made in Taiwan fried fish fiber in one Asia store!!!! Way too happy and bought it without a second thought!! At this time, fried fish fiber is as good as pork one!! And the first thought is: I am going to make Triangle Rice Ball!! :)   
在台灣的時候, 中午很常到7-11買個御飯糰當午餐或晚餐吃~ 雖然有好多從創新到詭異的口味都有! 但是選來選去, 很多時候還是肉鬆口味會勝出! 簡單又有台灣味的味道, 最吸引人了啦!
前幾個星期在荷蘭的亞洲店竟然讓我找到了台灣的魚鬆”!!!!大為震驚, 二話不說馬上買下手! 沒肉鬆, 魚鬆一樣讚!! 尤其還是台灣產品~~~ 實在是揪感心ㄟ~~而我買到魚鬆後第一個想吃它的方法就是御飯糰!!!!!來吧!來吧!~~(雀躍的跳進廚房~)

Shepherd’s Pie 牧羊人肉派

Holland is getting colder and colder, and my fiancé has more desire of some winter oven dishes~ He got a “man aan de kook” recipe book for his birthday this year. So, we chose one weekend and tried this Shepherd’s Pie! Why the name is like this? It is because shepherds need to stay outside all day, so when they come in to eat, they usually want something nice and hot from the oven with lots of potato, fat and meat!! Getting colder in your country? Let’s try it!! 
荷蘭越來越冷了, 未婚夫也越來越想吃一些冬天的料理了~~ 之前他生日的時候, 得到的一本 男人的食譜”!! 我們選了一個週末, 好好的來給它試一下~~ 為什麼這道菜要叫做牧羊人肉派呢? 因為西方的牧羊人,通常都要在外面一整天, 所以回到家時,都會很想要來上很多熱呼呼的馬鈴薯和肉來補充一整天的熱量!! 我想這道菜就是他們最喜歡的其中一道吧!! 台灣冷呼呼又沒暖氣的冬天, 偶爾來上一盤, 也很不錯哦~~

Steam cooker Shrimp Thick Soup 不開火電鍋蝦仁羹

Thick soup is one of the most popular and common Taiwanese small dishes! Kyra has the desire of it very often in Holland, it doesn’t matter if is squid thick soup or meat thick soup! Ahrrrr, I will drool a lot every time when I think about it~ I found a super easy way of cooking it on TV; after that, I cook this thick soup very often in Holland. Easy, fast and healthier then the one you buy from the vendors!! Come to try it! Try the steam cooker way of 20 mins’ tasty shrimp thick soup!!
羹可以算是台灣最常見的小吃了! Kyra在荷蘭中午的時後 常常想來一碗羹麵, 不管是魷魚羹還是肉羹~~ 口水流個不停啦~~ 那天在電視上發現這個超簡單的煮法, 實在是驚為天人, 常常在荷蘭煮這道!! 好煮,好吃 ,又不必擔心像外面一樣味素加太多, 不健康喔!! 大家快來試試看! 只要用電鍋20分鐘就可以煮好的蝦仁羹喔!!

Sunday Hacker - Vienna Breakfast 週日駭客- 維也納早餐

MUAHAHAHAHA, the Sunday Hacker has broken into Kyra's Cooking Blog!!! TOO EASY!
哇哈哈哈哈, 週日駭客盜進Kyra的遊戲廚房啦!! 也太簡單駭進來了啦!

Super Easy Rice Porridge (Congee) 超簡易電鍋綿密稀飯(粥)

 Kyra and her fiancé are both caught a cold this week~ running noses, burning throat… That really make us don’t have that much appetite~ In this kind of situation, rice porridge is the best choice! It can warm your stomach, easy to eat, easy to digest! 
Normally if you want the best taste and texture, you will need to follow the tradition way which is using pot to stew it from the beginning. But it takes more then 1 hours to stir and stand next to the stove ~ And the other way is only use steam cooker to make it. It saves a lot of time, but the rice and the soup is apart…  The way that Kyra is going to share with you is combining two ways, which is the technical from my mom! Let check it out~   
I will show you how to cook the pure rice porridge, and after that I will post some other flavors that you can play with!!
Kyra 和未婚夫這個星期都在感冒中~流鼻涕, 喉嚨痛, 實在沒什麼食欲, 這種時候稀飯是最好的選擇啦! 暖胃,好入口, 又好消化!一般來說是用鍋子煮, 但是從生米到煮好, 可是要至少要守在火爐旁1小時以上喔~ 只用電鍋煮的話, 水和飯是分開開的窩~~Kyra 這招是雙劍合碧!! 這方法可是Kyra媽媽教的喔!請了~
我會先示範怎麼煮白稀飯, 之後提供可變化的各種口味

N.G. Pumpkin Mochi/Soft Cake 不完美的南瓜麻糬餅

After the pumpkin soup from last time,half of my pumpkin was still lying in my refrigerator. Let’s find another way to eat it ! 
 上次作南瓜濃湯的南瓜其實還剩一半在冰箱了一天, 今天想個不一樣的方法來吃它吧!! 

About cooking, Kyra is always a pragmatist! Things that looks tasty, easy to cook and save time are my favorite recipes! I found this recipe from Christine’s recipes. It looks simple and easy, makes me want to make it very much! So, I steamed the pumpkin right away and tried this recipe. And…. The result is…not easy to cook and it takes a lot of time!! Oh oh ~a big N.G.~ But I spent some time to improve this recipe! It should be much easier and much faster now! So pay attention at “Kyra Gook Idea” from this post, hope everyone can have a simple & easy way to make pumpkin mochi/soft cake!   
 Kyra對於下廚一直是個務實主義者, 看起來好吃, 好煮, 又省時的食譜最對我的胃口啦! 我在CR簡易食譜上看到這個南瓜軟餅食譜, , 很對我胃口! 馬上把我的南瓜蒸熟來做.. 結果.. 你們知道有多好笑嗎?! 不省時也不好煮!! 是個大NG ~~ 不過我花了多一些時間想對策! 應該會變的省時好煮多囉! 所以要好好注意這篇的好煮易! 希望大家都有簡單又好煮的南瓜麻吉餅~

Creamy Pumpkin Soup 南瓜濃湯

It is the end of Halloween~ Now is the time to take your big decoration pumpkin to the kitchen! Let's cook something easy and tasty~
萬聖節過完了, 是時候把家裡裝飾的南瓜殺來吃啦~ 其實南瓜濃湯是很好做的一道菜哦! 抱起你的南瓜, 奔向廚房吧~