
Unforgettable Five Sauces Braised Pork, 忘不了五醬滷肉

This is one of my fiance's favorite dish - Five sauce braised pork! Why I named it as "Unforgettable Five Sauce"? It is because you only need 5 sauces and the sauces portion is super easy to remember!Easy and tasty, Truly a receipt for man! My fiance can even manage to cook it all by himself!
這道菜是Kyra未婚夫最愛的一道菜哦!超簡單又好吃的'五醬滷肉', 為什麼我叫它'忘不了五醬'呢? 因為它只需要五種好記又易取得的醬汁就夠囉!!連我未婚夫都可以自己來!是一道很適合男人的料理哦!

Tortilla Chips Fusion Dip, 墨西哥玉米片無國界沾醬

Make your party easier and more special! Tortilla chips is one of easy, tasty, exotic food for party time. But are you getting tired of those Doritos flavors and want to try more taste besides of  salsa sauce or guacamole sauce? Here is one easy and fusion sauce worthy to try!!
想要讓你的派對或聚會更特別嗎? 墨西哥玉米片是一個除了洋芋片之外,簡單方便又有異國風味的選擇!

Dutch BBQ with Bowling! 荷式烤肉配保齡球!

One of Kyra's favorite party ways with friend is eating hot pot or BBQ! Kyra heard that Holland also has their own style of BBQ but never really had a chance to try it at restaurant. This time Kyra finally had a chance to go with the company that I temperately worked for! Let's check what is the Dutch BBQ restaurant!
Kyra 最愛的幾種聚會不外乎就是吃火鍋或吃燒肉了! 在荷蘭我常常朝思暮想著乾杯的牛舌, 豬五花 或出一張嘴的燒烤吃到飽. 之前聽說荷蘭也有這種把肉切小小自己烤自己的份的烤肉, 但一直沒有機會真的在餐廳裡吃到..最近如願以償的和公司的人起一去嘍! 荷蘭人的燒肉長什麼樣子呢? 今天帶大家來看看!

Happy Lunar New Year!! 兔年快樂鴛鴦鍋小圍爐!!

 This year 2ed Feb. is the Lunar New Year's Eve, as tradition, every family needs to gather together and have an abundant dinner! Usually all the women in the family will come to help to cook, but I am alone in Holland and of course my fiance's family won't know what is the tradition. But I still want to have a nice New year's eve, so I decided to prepare hot pot! Easy, tasty and one dish will always appears on the new year's eve table!!      
 今年的2月2號是農曆年的除夕夜,依照習俗, 家家都要團員, 吃一頓豐盛的年夜飯! 年夜飯通常是由家裡的女人們同心協力來準備的!但我孤家寡人在荷蘭沒有人幫忙, 要煮一頓豐盛的實在很累~ 但又還是很想有過年的感覺~所以我決定今年來煮簡單又好吃的火鍋吧!

Snow World Snowboarding night! 滑雪板之夜!

 Last week Kyra when to fiance's office to help translating some documents for a week and we decided to go to snowboarding after work! Lucky me!!
上個星期Kyra去未婚夫的公司幫忙翻譯文件一個星期, 幸運的遇到他們要去滑滑雪板! 我當然要跟呀!!

Mango Smoked Chicken Risotto, 芒果燻雞燉飯

Today we are going to make Mango smoked chicken risotto! I learned this dish from my future mother in law. I think this is her special receipt because I never eat this dish before in any place or any restaurant! 
We all know that western cuisine like to use fruit as ingredients in cooking, apple pork chop, cranberries fries, stewed pear pork chop,etc. but I never had the experience of using such a tasty fruit - Mango to cook a salty dish! The first time when I try it is with a feeling of doubts, because I did try some other dishes with fruit in it and most of them are ok but not great... However, this mango smoked chicken risotto makes me want to eat it again and again~~ Everyone should give it a try!! 
今天要來做芒果燻雞燉飯! 這道菜是跟準婆婆學的, 從來沒在別的地方或任何餐廳吃過哦! 外國人很喜歡用水果入菜這是大家都知道的事, 蘋果豬排, 蔓越梅薯條, 燉梨子豬排...但我還沒有看過把芒果這麼美味的水果丟進鍋子煮成鹹食的經驗, 所以第一次吃的時候, 我是抱著懷疑的心情的...也因為之前試了很多水果入菜的西式料理, 大部分是可以接受, 但不會覺得那是絕頂滋味...不過這道 芒果燻雞燉飯 卻讓我一煮再煮!!! 很好吃的呢!!

Taiwan Eat & Play 台灣食旅- Mo-Mo Paradise

Mo-Mo Paradise should be the most successful restaurant that brought Sukiyaki in to Taiwan! Reasonable price, all you can eat, lots of choices, it is really a great restaurant!
Mo-Mo Paradise應該是把壽喜燒帶進台灣最成功的餐廳了! 平價, 吃到飽, 選擇多. 實在是聚會用餐的好地方哦!

Taiwan Eat & Play - Han Feng Guan (Korean restaurant) 台灣食旅- 韓楓館

There are so many tasty restaurants near Kyra's home in Taiwan! This Korean restaurant --Han Feng Guan opened in these two years, and its food is really quite tasty! Let me show you my pocket order list! :)  
在Kyra台灣家的附近有很多好吃的東西哦! 這家韓楓館是這兩年開的,因為口味真的不錯所以生意一直很好哦! 今天帶你來看看我每次去的必點食物吧!

Taiwan Eat & Play - Din Tai Fung 台灣食旅- 鼎泰豐

 In Taiwan there is a world wide well know restaurant, its name is "Din Tai Fung". Almost all the tourists will want to go this restaurant to eat its Xiao Long Bao! 
The very first shop is opened at Yong Kang Streer in Taipei, and because of the business is doing too well, Din Tia Fung opened few more franchise shops. However, the view of long queuing line is still happening everyday! From this you can know how popular and how delicious this restaurant is! Now you can also find Din Tai Fung in Chian, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, America and Australia, but I heard that the serving way is different from Taiwan. Maybe that's the reason most of the people when they come to Taiwan, they still want to try the real, the most original Xiao Long Bao in Din Tai Fung!     

說到享譽國際的台灣餐廳應該就是 鼎泰豐 了吧! 所有的遊客到台灣來幾乎都會指定要吃鼎泰豐的小籠包! 最原始的鼎泰豐是開在永康街, 但因為生意太好了, 開了幾家分店. 但是家家排隊爆滿的情形一樣天天在上演!現在甚至大陸, 香港, 日本, 韓國, 印尼, 馬來西亞, 美國, 澳洲 都開了分店. 但聽說販賣的方式與台灣仍是有些不同. 所以, 有機會的話還是來台灣吃一下正統的鼎泰豐小籠包吧!

Taiwan Eat & Play - Little Mongolian 台灣食旅- 小蒙牛

 "All you can eat" could be one of the most representative words of Taiwan's restaurant industry! You can always find an "all you can eat" restaurant of every kind of food or cuisine! The most popular and common kind is "All you can eat" hot pot shop!  This one I am going to introduce now called "Little Mongolian". This hot pot shop is quite new and has pretty good reputation!
吃到飽已經是台灣餐飲業最具代表性的詞彙之一了! 在台灣任何食物或任何料理,你都可以找到吃到飽的餐廳. 而火鍋吃到飽則是最常見也最受歡迎的了! 今天我要介紹的是一家風評很不錯的新火鍋店-- 小蒙牛.

Dutch Stewed Pears 荷蘭燉梨子

Another Food you need to eat in Holland during the winter season "Stoofpeer- Dutch Stewed pears"! Every Christmas time my fiance's mom will cook this sweet dish. This year, I ask her to wait for me to come home and then I can learn it from her! After I saw it, actually it is not difficult at all!! The winter is still cold~ try it soon! :)  
荷蘭冬天的另一樣必吃食物 'Stoofpeer-燉梨子'!! 每年聖誕節的時候都可以吃到未婚夫媽媽親手做的噸梨子! 超好吃的! 我也一直以為很難做, 今年特別要求準婆婆等我為回來再一起做! 學了才發現, 一點都不難喔!!!大家下次也一起來試試看吧!

2010 Christmas Brunch & Dinner 聖誕節豐富早午餐& 晚餐!!

  The Christmas morning of course will have a nice breakfast!! But  because the Christmas eve we usually stay up very late, so very often we change it to brunch!! 聖誕節當天的早上當然是要有一頓豐盛的早餐!但是也因為在聖誕夜我們常常很晚睡, 所以常常變成早午餐啦!

2010 Christmas Eve Dinner 平安夜的晚餐

As usual, this year's Christmas eve we had Christmas eve dinner at my fiance's grandparent place. This year each families will cook something and bring them to grandparent's place and grandma will prepare the hot soup! Let's check some pictures that I took! :)
每年的平安夜我們都會在我未婚夫的爺爺奶奶家過~而今年也不例外, 而且今年也是一個家庭準備一到菜, 而奶奶會負責熱呼呼湯! 來看看那天的照片吧!

Taiwan Eat & Play - Taiwanese food "Wan Lin Braised pork rice" 台灣食旅- 台灣味'丸林滷肉飯'

There are so many my foreign friends asked me "What are the typical Taiwanese dishes?" "Is there any famous Taiwanese food?" or when my friends came over for dinner, they will ask me "This is what kind of cuisine that you made?" But most of time, I don't know how to answer... Because the answers in my head are "This is just fried vegetables." ,"This is braised meat" or "I just put the fish in the steam cooker.. so... I think you can call it Steam fish!? " Very often, I will feel disappointed by why can't I explain what is Taiwanese food or what are  the food I made. Sometimes I will use Taiwanese famous Night Market food to represent Taiwanese food; however, most of the time they are not easy to cook..

Why I struggle so much? I guess is because a lot of people expect some special names for Taiwanese food, just like Chinese, Japanese or Korean food. (Gu-Lao-Rou, Tempuro, bibimbap, etc.) Therefore, I always feel weird if I answer the names of dishes with a very straight way such as Fried Vegetables, Fried Tomatos and eggs, Fried Green Paprika with Beef, etc. 
 But after I went to this restaurant in Taiwan, I am very happy that I found out that the dishes that I made by my memories and learned by my mom are Taiwanese food, and the names that how we call them are just the names for Taiwanese food! Even the names are just what you see in the plate! :)

The restaurant that give me all the inspires above is called "Wan-Lin Braised Pork Rice". I feel a bit ashamed because apparently this is a very famous restaurant of Taiwanese food, and I have never been there even I lived in Taipei for 21years! This time I will have a chance to go there is because we were in a photo studio for choosing our family pictures. After we were done of the picture checking, my mom and my brother in law said this famous restaurant is near by. They told me this restaurant is one of the restaurants that all the travel books in Japan recommend as the restaurant you need to go in Taiwan! Wow~

因為在國外居住了多年, 很多外國朋友問我台灣菜是怎樣子? 有沒有什麼特別有名的菜? 或是做菜給朋友吃的時候, 朋友會問我這是什麼料理?..我都答不出來,心想~這就是炒青菜啊~或這就是魯肉啊~或這就是蒸魚啊~我常常覺得這樣的回答很虛~所以很多時候我會用台灣的有名夜市小吃來代表台灣菜, 這也沒錯, 但夜市小吃不是那麼的好做滴~
可能是因為外國人都期待像中國菜或日本菜或韓國菜一樣有個什麼很不一樣的菜名, 我總覺得回答"炒高麗菜, 番茄炒蛋, 青椒牛肉, 等等" 這種非常平鋪直敘, 看什麼說什麼的菜名很怪~ 以前我都只能用台灣特別的小吃來回答他們什麼是台灣菜~ 現在, 我感謝這一餐讓我知道, 原來我常常自己隨意炒出來的菜, 就是--台灣菜!! 

丸林滷肉飯~ 對我來說是一家很神奇的店. 因為我住台北21年, 卻從來沒聽過也沒去過這家店!!但那天去中山北路挑完全家福的照片,晚上想在附近吃, 二姐夫才提到這家台灣菜的店, 聽說是日本旅遊書上必吃景點之一哦!! 我還一直一為日本人來只吃鼎太豐咧~~ 哈哈..我真是太孤陋寡聞啦~~

Lichtjesavond in Delft 荷蘭台夫特的'燈火之夜'!

 昨天是荷蘭台夫特的 Light Night (我從荷文照翻的啦~ )中文我就先把它叫做'燈火之夜'吧! 這天晚上他們會用燈光來裝飾台夫特的市中心和點亮市中心的大聖誕樹!而且大部分的家庭和店家在這天晚上也都會把電燈都關上, 但只留裝飾燈, 聖誕樹 和蠟燭的燈亮著~ 跟著我一起來看看'Lichtjesavond'的情況吧~
Last night is 'Lichtjesavond' in Delft, Holland. The most likely English name will be "Light Night" ~ It is a night that Delf will light up their city center and Christmas tree. Most of the families and shops are also agreed to turn off their light but leave the lights for decorations on! Let's check what happened in the 'Lichtjesavond'!

Taiwan Eat & Play - 3rd Meal 台灣食旅- 第三頓

Today, the restaurant that I'm going to introduce can be considered one of the legends in Taiwan! Starting from 1990, it went through the tests of 20 years, and it is still popular! 
There is one shop right in the corner of my place, I remember that shop since I was a baby~ It was a luxury dinner if my family went there to eat, because you always needed to queue there! The business went down for several years, but surprisingly in these 5 years, they made some internal changes and redecorated their shops. And now this restaurant is alive again! 
Right now, you still needs to queue in front of it in the weekend! and this restaurant is called -- My Home Steak!    

今天要介紹的這家店,真的可以說是台灣的奇蹟之一, 從1990年開始, 經歷了20年時間的考驗, 依然屹立不搖! 尤其是我家巷口的那家店, 從我小時候到現在, 雖然經歷了一陣子的低潮, 但這幾年他們經歷了翻修, 調整, 現在又跟我小時候一樣, 每天都高朋滿座, 週末的時候一定大排長龍! 它就是~ "我 家 牛 排 "

Taiwan Eat & Play - Second Meal 台灣食旅-第二餐

This weekend my whole family went to a  nice fine dining restaureant in Wu-Lai called 名流水岸 (Ming Liu Shui An). In these years, elite food and dinning style is very popular in Taiwan! But because of the high quality food and service, the price will be also much higher than the usual standard. In this kind of restaurant, the chef will decide the menu in advance depending on the season and the ingredients they bought that day; therefore there are usually only a few set menus to choose from. For instance, this restaurant only has 2 styles to choose from (at the night we went). This style is not so commen in western countries (at least in Holland), so my mom really want to bring my fiance to here to try it~
We were planing to go to another same style restaurant, but that restaurant was fully booked. Compared to the best one, this restaurant's serving speed is a bit too fast (did they want to get rid of us as quickly as possible?), but the quantity of each dish is a bit more than the others~   I might consider this restaurant as a medium-high level in this kind of elite dining restaurants!
這個週末, 全家人一起去了烏來的名流水岸吃大餐~~這是台灣這幾年很流行的一種精緻養生餐廳. 菜單都是餐廳已經設訂好的了, 大約只有2到3種套餐的選擇~ 這種點菜法在國外不常見, 特別帶我的未婚夫來見識一下啦 ~
跟其他家類似的餐廳比起來, 名流水岸的份量算是大的~ 上菜速度也有點太快~ 不過在訂不到其他兩家同性質餐廳的情況下~ 這家也是很錯的精緻用餐選擇喔~

Taiwan Eat & Play - First Meal 台灣食旅-第一餐

Taiwan’s tasty food and nice restaurants are everywhere! Not only in the city center, could be in a small alley, could be in the traditional markets! For instance, there are at least 7 nice restaurants in Kyra’s neighborhood! Every time when I go back to Taiwan, I need to eat each of them at least once! :)  This one is a new Japanese restaurant opened 2 years ago~ This is my first time to go there, let’s check some nice pics of it!
台灣的美食真的是處處都找的到喔! 不像荷蘭大部分的餐廳都在市中心. 在台灣的小巷子裡,菜市場裡都找的到喔~ Kyra家附近就至少有7家好吃的餐廳喔! 昨天和家人第一次去了一家兩年前在附近新開的日本料理, 來看看好不好吃吧~

Easy Taiwanese Braise Beef Noodles 免滷包好吃紅燒牛肉麵

When people live in other countries, sometimes you will just want to taste the Taiwanese flavor! Talk about Taiwanese flavor, beef noodles is one of the flavors that I miss the most! The way I learned from many recipes always need to use the halogen package, but sometimes I think the herb flavors are too heavy. Sometimes tasty sometimes not~ But after I learned this recipe, you don’t need to use halogen package anymore!! Especially I think the taste is similar to the restaurants!! Come and try this easy and tasty braise beef noodles!

當人住在國外的時候, 有時候最想要的就是懷念一下台灣味!! 說到台灣味, 其中的代表之一就是牛肉麵啦! 之前跟媽媽學的做法總是要加滷包, 但有時候我總覺得中藥味太重, (不知道是不是滷包份量的問題) 有時好吃有時不好吃~ 但是自從我學了這個做法後~ 滷包用完了也沒關係啦!! 而且我覺得味道跟小吃店賣的差不多哦!! 快來試試這簡單又好吃的紅燒牛肉麵吧!!

Boeuf Bourguignon 法式紅酒燉牛肉

When you see the name of this recipe, you might think “ wow… what a fancy and sounds difficult one~” To be honest, when my fiancé suggest me to cook this dish, I felt the same way~ But, after I cooked it, hey~ it is not so difficult!! The nice smell of wine will bland in to the beef and will full of the whole kitchen~ Especially that you can drink some of the red wine that you use for cooking while making this dish~  oh~ very nice~~~
我想很多人會和我一樣, 看到這道才時會覺得 這道菜看起來好豪華好難做的樣子~” 老實說, 我未婚夫建議我做這道菜時, 我心中也有這樣的OS. 但實際上做了之後,其實一點都不難喔!! 而且整個廚房和牛肉都充滿著紅酒香, 外加可以一邊煮菜一邊喝紅酒, ~~ 很讚喔~~