
Snow World Snowboarding night! 滑雪板之夜!

 Last week Kyra when to fiance's office to help translating some documents for a week and we decided to go to snowboarding after work! Lucky me!!
上個星期Kyra去未婚夫的公司幫忙翻譯文件一個星期, 幸運的遇到他們要去滑滑雪板! 我當然要跟呀!!

 After the working hour, we ordered Suriname food to eat at the office! It looks like Chinese food right?! Yes~~ Kyra agreed with that~ but the taste is slightly different... but in general still very similar~
上完班之後同事叫了荷蘭很常見的蘇黎南外賣!看起來是不是很像中國菜呢? Kyra也這樣覺得! 之前一直以為這是荷蘭風味的中國菜~ 後來才知道這是蘇黎南菜~ 一樣有炒麵,炒飯,燉肉, 沙爹, 炒豆子... 只有味道一點點不一樣哦~

 After dinner we took train to go to Snowworld in Zoetermeer! A indoor skiing place! Maybe you will wonder why we don't ski outdoor since the weather is so cold in Europe? First is because actually after the new year, it didn't snow in Holland anymore~ and the second reason is.. there is no mountains in Holland!! :p
晚餐之後我們搭火車到Zoetermeer的 室內滑雪場Snow world! 也許你會想, 歐洲不是很冷嗎? 為什麼不滑室外的呢? 答案是1.其實1月之後荷蘭就沒再下雪了~ 2. 就算有雪, 但是荷蘭沒有山啦!! :p
 We are ready!!! 換裝好嘍!! (不好意思Kyra怕相機壞掉就沒有帶相機進去照相啦~)
 Usually after snowboarding you need to go to Apres ski !! They also has it in Snow world!! But.. there are not so many people there at Wednesday night~ :)
荷蘭人在滑完雪之後最愛的行程就是去 Apres ski!! 這個室內滑雪場也有哦!不過可能是因為星期三所以人不多~~ :)
 They do bring the real Apres ski atmosphere in to this indoor skiing place!  
他們的Apres ski 吧真的有在滑雪勝地的原汁原味哦!!
Hot Chocolate with whip cream on top is something you can't miss!!
你絕對不能錯過 鮮奶油熱巧克力哦!!!

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