
Dutch BBQ with Bowling! 荷式烤肉配保齡球!

One of Kyra's favorite party ways with friend is eating hot pot or BBQ! Kyra heard that Holland also has their own style of BBQ but never really had a chance to try it at restaurant. This time Kyra finally had a chance to go with the company that I temperately worked for! Let's check what is the Dutch BBQ restaurant!
Kyra 最愛的幾種聚會不外乎就是吃火鍋或吃燒肉了! 在荷蘭我常常朝思暮想著乾杯的牛舌, 豬五花 或出一張嘴的燒烤吃到飽. 之前聽說荷蘭也有這種把肉切小小自己烤自己的份的烤肉, 但一直沒有機會真的在餐廳裡吃到..最近如願以償的和公司的人起一去嘍! 荷蘭人的燒肉長什麼樣子呢? 今天帶大家來看看!

The interesting part of this place is it is not only a restaurant but also a bowling place! And I like its decoration style! Although I am not really sure which style it is ~ :p  
很酷的是這家店是餐廳也是保齡球館!而且裝飾的很有氣氛~ 該說是什麼氣氛呢?~牛仔風? 愛爾蘭酒吧風?低調奢華風? 我很喜歡, 但說不出個所以然~XD
 One side of the place is the bowling place,
and the other side is the BBQ restaurant!
At that day, the restaurant let us play bowling first and then have dinner, but it is about off work time, everyone is so hungry~~ therefore we ordered the typical Dutch snake --Mix fried balls! There are many flavors and types of deep fried small stuffs on the plate, fried croquette, fried meat balls, fried chicken nugget, fried cheese, fried rice ball, etc. There are also 3 sauces served, mayonnaise, Holland flavor curry sauce, and honey mustard sauce!  
我們那天先打保齡球再吃飯, 但是適逢下班時間, 大家都餓的很~等不了啦, 所以就點了荷蘭人最愛最常見的下酒菜, 開胃菜, 小點心-- 綜合炸物 (為什麼聽起來很像日本料理啊~:P) 基本上就是各式口味的炸丸子, 炸小可樂餅, 炸小雞塊, 炸小起司塊, 炸小肉丸, 炸小炒飯丸...很好吃也很高熱量哦! 還一定會有隨盤附上的三種醬料! 美乃滋, 荷蘭口味咖哩醬, 蜂蜜芥茉醬! 大家都搶著吃啊!!
 Yeah~ I looks so professional! 耶~ 看我超有架勢的!
Because of the these two weeks there are about 28 new employees from other branch offices flew to Holland for training. Tonight is also a fun activity for them, the Dutch office people even prepared tree trophies and Dutch wooden shoes key chains!! 
因為這兩個星期他們在各地分公司的新進人員都到荷蘭來做教育訓練, 所以有一共有28個人, 所以今晚還特別準備了獎盃和荷蘭瓷器木屐鑰匙圈!!真用心~
After the bowling game is dinner time!! As usual, bread is served. 
 打完保齡球就是吃飯時間囉! 不免俗的麵包一定要有~
Dutch BBQ usually is original flavor and serves with sauces. Today they served cocktail sauce, mayonnaise and garlic herb sauce. 
荷蘭人的烤肉大部分是原味下去烤加上他們又很愛沾醬. 所以桌上醬料再來三種! 雞尾酒醬 (配海鮮最適合), 美乃滋, 大蒜香料醬~
Did you see this huge ball of fries?!! In Dutch food restaurant, fries is some thing you definitely will get!
The meat we are going to grill! Very different from Asian style, right?!
今天要來烤的肉! 跟亞洲的很不一樣吧! 一塊一塊的,而不像亞洲喜歡的一片一片的!
There are also 3 kind of salads and 2 kind of vegetables mix.
Use another way to explain Dutch BBQ, it just like mini size of chicken chests, beef steak and hamburger meat! The only similar one is the Indonesia satay! Very suitable for the people who like eat a lot of meat!!  
其實簡單說起來就是雞排, 牛排, 漢堡肉的縮小版! 唯一像的就是印尼沙嗲雞肉串啦! 很適合喜歡大口吃肉的朋友們哦!!

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