
Happy Lunar New Year!! 兔年快樂鴛鴦鍋小圍爐!!

 This year 2ed Feb. is the Lunar New Year's Eve, as tradition, every family needs to gather together and have an abundant dinner! Usually all the women in the family will come to help to cook, but I am alone in Holland and of course my fiance's family won't know what is the tradition. But I still want to have a nice New year's eve, so I decided to prepare hot pot! Easy, tasty and one dish will always appears on the new year's eve table!!      
 今年的2月2號是農曆年的除夕夜,依照習俗, 家家都要團員, 吃一頓豐盛的年夜飯! 年夜飯通常是由家裡的女人們同心協力來準備的!但我孤家寡人在荷蘭沒有人幫忙, 要煮一頓豐盛的實在很累~ 但又還是很想有過年的感覺~所以我決定今年來煮簡單又好吃的火鍋吧!

 Finally!!! I found an electronic oven in the market!!! This is one of the most convenient, common and safe kitchen device in Taiwanese family! This one is a bit bigger and thicker then all the Taiwanese brands but its classic black color makes me really satisfied!
在荷蘭想煮火鍋可沒大家想的這麼簡單~ 我想找電子爐找了5年之久~~ 今年終於在海牙被我找到了!! 雖然他比台灣牌子來的大跟重, 不過它那很有質感的黑, 深深的抓住了我的心呀!!

Another awesome stuff I got is this : Yuan Yang Guo (Mandarin duck pot)!! It is a pot divided into two parts, so you can cook two different flavors' soup base at the same time! Why it called mandarin duck pot? It is because the mandarin ducks' couples are always stay together! If you see a male mandarin duck and his wife is definitely next to him~ And this pot is also divided in two, just like mandarin ducks, right next to each other!
另一樣令我開心的事是我找到了鴛鴦鍋!! 24口徑的鴛鴦鍋!!!哦~~ 連我也不禁讚嘆今年的火鍋也太專業了吧~~:D
Usually we do half spicy and half original soup bases in the pot in Asia. This time because of  fiance's uncle and aunt are vegetarians, so this pot is so perfect for tonight!
今年特別去找鴛鴦鍋的原因是因為未婚夫的舅舅舅媽也要來, 但是他們吃素, 我之前的電子火鍋不能分鍋煮, 一直在想要怎麼處理6個吃葷2個吃素的問題... 先把他們的在廚房裡煮好在分給他們吃感覺好怪哦! 不過幸好讓我找到鴛鴦鍋!! 問題一次解決!! ^__^
I got this daffodil from my fiance's aunt! Represent for the coming of Spring!!
大家陸陸續續到我們家囉~ 舅媽送我了一盆水仙花, 象徵春天的來臨! 準岳母送我了一箱超甜小橘子!!最驚訝的是還有歐元紅包咧!!
This year the only butcher shop in Holland that sells hot pot meat slices surprisingly sells it by box, per box is about 350g. Before you need to order it first and per order need to be at least 1 or 2 kilo...It is really too much, so I didn't buy it before. But this time, I bought it right away when I found out they sell it with smaller pack!  
上個星期在鹿特丹翻譯下班的時候 跑去聽說是荷蘭僅次一家有賣火鍋肉片的肉舖! 他們今年竟然開賣小盒的肉片!! 2年前去問的時候他們還只允許一此買1或2公斤, 還要預先預定~@@ 今年去問的時候,  他們開始賣1盒大約350公克的小包裝!! 我整個太開心! 雖然肉片是一片一片舖平的, 而且還是太厚..不過! 沒魚蝦也好!! 有這個就要很感恩了!!
 Start eating, Happy!!! (Although the meat slices still too thick... but it is much better then nothing!! ^__^  )
Happy New Year to everyone!!!
 Haha~ my fiance's families really like fire place!! They even made one at our place!! XD
哈哈!! 未婚夫家的人實在是很喜歡壁爐~ 也幫我們家弄了一個~~
 The biggest "reward" is the dishes after the dinner~ : P
Wish everyone has a great Rabbit Year!
一頓好吃又簡單的年夜飯後 最大的'獎賞', 就是滿廚房的髒碗盤啦!! >"<

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