
Tortilla Chips Fusion Dip, 墨西哥玉米片無國界沾醬

Make your party easier and more special! Tortilla chips is one of easy, tasty, exotic food for party time. But are you getting tired of those Doritos flavors and want to try more taste besides of  salsa sauce or guacamole sauce? Here is one easy and fusion sauce worthy to try!!
想要讓你的派對或聚會更特別嗎? 墨西哥玉米片是一個除了洋芋片之外,簡單方便又有異國風味的選擇!

Ingredients, 材料:

1. 100g Cheese spread ( herbs flavor), 100g軟乾酪/塗抹乾酪 (香料口味)

2. 2 bunch of Coriander, 2束香菜

3. Some Thai sweet chili sauce, 少許泰式甜辣醬(甜雞醬)


1. Mix100g of spread cheese and about 2 eat spoons' Thai sweet chili sauce well on a plate. (sweet chili sauce and be more or less depending on personal taste. Start with 1 spoon first and at more if you want. )
取100克的軟乾酪和約2大匙的泰式甜雞醬, 在盤子上混合均勻. (泰式甜雞醬由1大匙開始加起,可依個人喜好增減! )
 2.Take 2 bunch of coriander and chop it to small piece. (again, you can adjust the amount according to your personal taste. )  取約2束香菜, 切細丁/ 條 (香菜的量一樣可以個人喜好增減)

3. Mix the spread cheese and the chopped coriander together.把切好的香菜加入軟乾酪中拌勻.

4. Add some drops of sweet chili sauce on top as decoration! Served with tortilla chips, Done! It actually goes well with any kind of corn made snake products! Enjoy~ 
在拌好的軟乾酪上在滴上一些甜雞醬增加色彩為裝飾, 和玉米片一起上桌, 完成! 這個醬料其實和其他的玉米製零嘴都很搭哦!! 喜歡都可以拿來沾!

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