Today we are going to make Mango smoked chicken risotto! I learned this dish from my future mother in law. I think this is her special receipt because I never eat this dish before in any place or any restaurant!
We all know that western cuisine like to use fruit as ingredients in cooking, apple pork chop, cranberries fries, stewed pear pork chop,etc. but I never had the experience of using such a tasty fruit - Mango to cook a salty dish! The first time when I try it is with a feeling of doubts, because I did try some other dishes with fruit in it and most of them are ok but not great... However, this mango smoked chicken risotto makes me want to eat it again and again~~ Everyone should give it a try!!
今天要來做芒果燻雞燉飯! 這道菜是跟準婆婆學的, 從來沒在別的地方或任何餐廳吃過哦! 外國人很喜歡用水果入菜這是大家都知道的事, 蘋果豬排, 蔓越梅薯條, 燉梨子豬排...但我還沒有看過把芒果這麼美味的水果丟進鍋子煮成鹹食的經驗, 所以第一次吃的時候, 我是抱著懷疑的心情的...也因為之前試了很多水果入菜的西式料理, 大部分是可以接受, 但不會覺得那是絕頂滋味...不過這道 芒果燻雞燉飯 卻讓我一煮再煮!!! 很好吃的呢!!Ingredients for 2, 二人份食材:
125ml Risotto, 125ml 燉飯
1 Mango, 1個芒果
100g Smoked chicken (chest),100g燻雞肉(胸)
1 Medium size onion, 1個中型洋蔥
1Spring onion, 1枝蔥
1000c.c Chicken soup base, 1000 c.c.雞高湯Steps 做法:
1.Cut the Mango and chicken into thick slices, cut the onion and spring onion into small chunks.
芒果, 燻雞切組絲, 洋蔥些小丁, 蔥切成蔥花.
2.Fried the onion until it become soft and then add the risotto in. Fried it a bit and then add 300 c.c. chicken soup base, put the lid on and use the low fire to stew the risotto. (you need to stir it every now and then)
先把洋蔥炒軟, 炒軟後加入燉飯翻炒一下, 再加入300c.c.的雞高湯, 蓋上蓋子, 用小火燉煮. (其中不時要攪拌一下)
3.When the soup base is absorbed by the risotto, add the smoked chicken and another 300 c.c. soup base. After stir it, put the lid on again. You still needs to stir it very often, in case the risotto stick on the pot.
第一次的高湯收乾後, 加入燻雞肉和300c.c.的雞高湯, 拌炒一下. 蓋上蓋子繼續燉煮. 其中也還是要不斷翻煮, 以免飯黏鍋!
4.After the soup base is absorbed , add the mango and another 300c.c.soup base. Stir it well and put the lid on, keep stewing and stirring!
第二次的高湯收乾後, 加入芒果 和300c.c.的雞高湯, 翻炒均勻, 再蓋上鍋蓋小火燉煮.
5.When the soup base is gone again, add the rest of soup base, spring onion and put the lid on. You still need to stir it very often until all the soup is absorbed, the Mango smoked chicken risotto is finished!
雞高湯再次收乾後, 加入蔥花和最後所有的雞高湯. 一樣蓋上鍋蓋小火燉煮, 期間不斷翻動. 高湯都收完後就大功告成嘍!!
Kyra Note Kyra 小叮嚀:
* The whole process needs to use low fire! If the fire is too high, the soup base will evaporate too fast and the risotto won't be cooked. 過程一定要慢慢煮, 如果火太大,高湯一下子就會被煮乾, 米會熟不了哦!
* Cooked risotto will be a little bit harder then rice~ As long as there are no white color and not hard in the middle, the risotto is done. Of course you can add more water and cook it longer if you prefer softer risotto!
這種義大利燉飯的米, 煮好會比亞洲的米還要硬一點點哦~ 所以只要咬一半中間沒有白白硬硬的就可以囉! 如果還是喜歡吃軟一點的朋友, 當然還是可以多加一些水繼續再燉一會兒~
* This dish you don't need to add any extra seasoning! Because the soup base brings the salty, mango brings the sweetness and the smoked chicken brings the nice smell~ Super tasty!!
整道燉飯都不用再加調味料了哦! 因為有雞高湯鹹, 芒果的甜, 燻雞肉的香, 就已經超級好吃了哦!!
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