
Unforgettable Five Sauces Braised Pork, 忘不了五醬滷肉

This is one of my fiance's favorite dish - Five sauce braised pork! Why I named it as "Unforgettable Five Sauce"? It is because you only need 5 sauces and the sauces portion is super easy to remember!Easy and tasty, Truly a receipt for man! My fiance can even manage to cook it all by himself!
這道菜是Kyra未婚夫最愛的一道菜哦!超簡單又好吃的'五醬滷肉', 為什麼我叫它'忘不了五醬'呢? 因為它只需要五種好記又易取得的醬汁就夠囉!!連我未婚夫都可以自己來!是一道很適合男人的料理哦!

Ingredients, 材料:     
1. 500g Streaky pork. 500g 五花肉
2. 1 White Turnip (Daikon radish), 1 Carrot. 白蘿蔔, 紅蘿蔔
3. 1 Chili pepper, 2 Spring onion (I don't have spring onion at home,so I used onion instead).辣椒, 蔥 (家裡沒有蔥了, 所以我用洋蔥來代替)

1 cup of Vinegar, 1杯醋
2 cups of Rice wine, 2杯料理酒
3 cups of Sugar, 3杯糖
4 cups of Soy sauce, 4杯醬油
5 cups of Water, 5杯水

 Steps, 步驟:
1.Cut the white turnip, red carrot, spring onion and chili pepper in to pieces.  把白蘿蔔, 紅蘿蔔切塊, 辣椒和蔥切段.備用

2. Cut the streaky pork in to piece.五花肉切塊

3. Fried the streaky pork until the color turning white. Add the rest of ingredients in and fried it a bit.少油熱鍋快炒一下五花肉至表面變白. 加入所有的蔬菜拌炒一下.
4. Add five sauces, stir it well. Cook it until the sauce start boiling and turn the fire down, stew it. 加入上述的五種醬汁, 拌勻煮滾. 滾後轉小火燉.

5. Stew it until the flavor gets in the ingredients (about 1 hour). 燉至蔬菜和肉都入味.(約1小時).完成!
Super tasty with rice!!Don't forget also cook some vegetables to eat with, even healthier!!
煮好的五醬燉肉超級下飯! 再炒個青菜就更健康囉!!

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