
Taiwan Eat & Play - Taiwanese food "Wan Lin Braised pork rice" 台灣食旅- 台灣味'丸林滷肉飯'

There are so many my foreign friends asked me "What are the typical Taiwanese dishes?" "Is there any famous Taiwanese food?" or when my friends came over for dinner, they will ask me "This is what kind of cuisine that you made?" But most of time, I don't know how to answer... Because the answers in my head are "This is just fried vegetables." ,"This is braised meat" or "I just put the fish in the steam cooker.. so... I think you can call it Steam fish!? " Very often, I will feel disappointed by why can't I explain what is Taiwanese food or what are  the food I made. Sometimes I will use Taiwanese famous Night Market food to represent Taiwanese food; however, most of the time they are not easy to cook..

Why I struggle so much? I guess is because a lot of people expect some special names for Taiwanese food, just like Chinese, Japanese or Korean food. (Gu-Lao-Rou, Tempuro, bibimbap, etc.) Therefore, I always feel weird if I answer the names of dishes with a very straight way such as Fried Vegetables, Fried Tomatos and eggs, Fried Green Paprika with Beef, etc. 
 But after I went to this restaurant in Taiwan, I am very happy that I found out that the dishes that I made by my memories and learned by my mom are Taiwanese food, and the names that how we call them are just the names for Taiwanese food! Even the names are just what you see in the plate! :)

The restaurant that give me all the inspires above is called "Wan-Lin Braised Pork Rice". I feel a bit ashamed because apparently this is a very famous restaurant of Taiwanese food, and I have never been there even I lived in Taipei for 21years! This time I will have a chance to go there is because we were in a photo studio for choosing our family pictures. After we were done of the picture checking, my mom and my brother in law said this famous restaurant is near by. They told me this restaurant is one of the restaurants that all the travel books in Japan recommend as the restaurant you need to go in Taiwan! Wow~

因為在國外居住了多年, 很多外國朋友問我台灣菜是怎樣子? 有沒有什麼特別有名的菜? 或是做菜給朋友吃的時候, 朋友會問我這是什麼料理?..我都答不出來,心想~這就是炒青菜啊~或這就是魯肉啊~或這就是蒸魚啊~我常常覺得這樣的回答很虛~所以很多時候我會用台灣的有名夜市小吃來代表台灣菜, 這也沒錯, 但夜市小吃不是那麼的好做滴~
可能是因為外國人都期待像中國菜或日本菜或韓國菜一樣有個什麼很不一樣的菜名, 我總覺得回答"炒高麗菜, 番茄炒蛋, 青椒牛肉, 等等" 這種非常平鋪直敘, 看什麼說什麼的菜名很怪~ 以前我都只能用台灣特別的小吃來回答他們什麼是台灣菜~ 現在, 我感謝這一餐讓我知道, 原來我常常自己隨意炒出來的菜, 就是--台灣菜!! 

丸林滷肉飯~ 對我來說是一家很神奇的店. 因為我住台北21年, 卻從來沒聽過也沒去過這家店!!但那天去中山北路挑完全家福的照片,晚上想在附近吃, 二姐夫才提到這家台灣菜的店, 聽說是日本旅遊書上必吃景點之一哦!! 我還一直一為日本人來只吃鼎太豐咧~~ 哈哈..我真是太孤陋寡聞啦~~
A very traditional Taiwanese old style entrance!  My bor. in law told me that here will be full of tourist buses every day when is close to lunch time and dinner time! Lucky that the time we arrive is already around 21 o'clock...otherwise we might need to queue for a while!
很有台灣味的入口!  聽說這裡每天中餐和晚餐時間都是遊覽車慢慢的停在門口哦!!我們到的時間已經是快9點了~ 所以遊覽車都開走嘍!!

When I went in there, the old school buffet serving way surprised me a lot! It brought my back to my University time~~  裡面令人驚訝的是, 是很台灣自助餐式點餐法耶! 有讓我回到大學時代的感覺!

 The menu on the table besides the rice and soups, also has a lot of fresh juice choices and fruit plate!桌上的菜單除了飯類湯類,還有個種的果汁類~
 Japanese menu card is right next to the Mandarin menu~ The proof of how many Japanese people come here! 中文菜單的對面就是日文菜單~您看看~果然很受日本人歡迎!

We don't need to wait because we arrived pretty late, but also means that we won't have that many choices anymore~

The way you choose food is only by your eyes and nose,  there are no names for the dishes at the buffet. After we picked the food we want from the buffet, I asked my mom "Are those Taiwanese food?" Because they look just like the normal dishes that my mom cooks everyday! The answer for the stupid me~ "Yes, this is Taiwanese food!" I don't know since when, I had been brain washed by those pretty names from other countries cuisine! The food I eat at home and the food that my mom cooks everyday, even they are without pretty names, they are Taiwanese Food! Foolish me~~   
因為我們到的時間算晚的了~ 所以能拿的菜不多了~~
但我拿完後回到座位問我媽媽, 這家賣的就是台灣菜嗎? 因為就跟家裡媽媽炒的種類其實差不多啊~而且因為是自助餐, 還有是家常菜, 所以根本沒有菜名的說~
但媽媽和二姐夫說, 這就是台灣菜啊!! 啊~~原來~~

Fried eggplant 炒茄子

 This is Taiwan Hakka dishes, "Hakka Fried". 這道是台灣的客家菜- 客家小炒

 Some Taiwanese food, I really don't know their names. But they are just dame tasty! This is one of the example! Let's call it Sha-Cha fried pork and beans. 有些台灣菜, 真的沒有菜名! 但就是個好吃! 這到我們姑且叫它 沙茶豬肉炒豆子

 Classic dish! Tomatoes fried eggs!番茄炒蛋~ 經典!

 Fried Cabbage! Super normal, but Super tasty! Everytime when I back to Taiwan, I will want to eat this everyday~~炒高麗菜~ 超普通, 但超好吃, 我每次回台灣天天都想吃~

Steam Black Been Cod Fish豆豉雪魚

 This restaurant's specialty~ Braised Pork rice!! The top of the classic dishes in Taiwanese food!!丸林的大招牌~~滷肉飯!!!台灣菜經典中的經典!
This picture I got it from another blogger- Sum Yu. This picture he took has more Taiwanese flavor in it! :) Everyone, If you have a chance to come to Taiwan, Do not miss this restaurant!! 這是從在愛評網上一位部落客Sum Yu 的網頁上抓來的~他照的比我更有台灣味~ 希望大家有空來台灣要來常常台灣味哦!

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