
Lichtjesavond in Delft 荷蘭台夫特的'燈火之夜'!

 昨天是荷蘭台夫特的 Light Night (我從荷文照翻的啦~ )中文我就先把它叫做'燈火之夜'吧! 這天晚上他們會用燈光來裝飾台夫特的市中心和點亮市中心的大聖誕樹!而且大部分的家庭和店家在這天晚上也都會把電燈都關上, 但只留裝飾燈, 聖誕樹 和蠟燭的燈亮著~ 跟著我一起來看看'Lichtjesavond'的情況吧~
Last night is 'Lichtjesavond' in Delft, Holland. The most likely English name will be "Light Night" ~ It is a night that Delf will light up their city center and Christmas tree. Most of the families and shops are also agreed to turn off their light but leave the lights for decorations on! Let's check what happened in the 'Lichtjesavond'!

 剛進入市中心的時候, 河的兩旁的房子都被打上燈光~ When we went into the city center, the canal and the buildings next to it are all lighted with color light~  

 還有小火車帶大家逛市區~ They even arranged a small train to bring people driving around the city center~

 我們的到了兩杯好喝的免費南瓜湯~We got two free and warm pumpkin soup!

 被打上燈光的店家~ Shops are lighted up from outside~ Looks very nice~

 荷蘭喜憨兒的攤位.我們河的南瓜湯就是他們做的哦!! This is a stand of mentally challenged children~ The pumpkin soups we got are made by them!!

 不知道為什麼被打上燈光的建築物有時看起來有點陰森..哈哈. Don't know why some buildings that lighted by green light look a bit..... spooky~~ :p

 我們進到他們的Old Church, 他們的木頭天花板感覺很有歷史感~ We went into their Old Church, I like its wooden dome~ Historical feeling~~

 連室內也打上燈光! 未婚夫說皇室的人過世之後都會葬在這裡哦~Even inside is lighted up! My fiance told me that all the royal family members will be buried here~  

 可愛的小孩唱詩歌~ Cute Dutch kids are singing songs~
 路邊看到店家的一張超有藝術感的桌子!! I found a awesome design table in a shop.~

 開始逛一些攤販~ 賣的大部分當然都是聖誕節應景的東西~ 超級可愛~ We start shopping a bit at the stands~ Most of the stuff off course are Christmas things~ Super cute!!

 連捕夢網都很有冬天的Fu~~ Even the Dream Catchers are so matching with winter season and Christmas!

 酒吧邀請的變裝樂團也都搬出來室外唱!! 是個開心分享快樂夜晚~~ The band that invited by the bar is also singing outside! What a night of sharing happiness!!

 我喜歡這張的感覺~ I like the felling of this picture~

 走到了他們的大廣場, 看到了歐洲版十八銅人!! : p. We walked to their main square and we met some heavy dressed up people!

 架起來的小舞台上有3位洋娃娃在隨音樂起舞~~ There are 3 dancing dolls are dancing with music at the smaller stages on the square~

今天是零下5度~ 他們的衣服看起來好溫暖啊!!! Tonight temperature is -5 ~ Their dress looks so warm~~

新教堂前面有超多聖誕婆婆在唱開心的歌~~ There are so many Santa grandmas are singing on the stage in front of the New Church!

 看到了聖誕老公公, 不免俗一定要照一下啊!! Hello! Santa Claus!!

 旁邊還有一輛華麗的馬車~ I don't this that is Santa's sled~~ :p

 路人在和聖誕老公公和聖誕辣妹攀談. Miss Santa doesn't feel cold at all!!

 裝飾品多到爆炸卻好好看的聖誕樹~~This Christmas tree is almost covered by decorations~ but it still looks so nice~~

 哈哈.. 大家來找碴~ 有發現什麼不合常理的地方嗎? Something wrong with the..... Haha~

 打上綠光的大樹... 也...恩.. 很有萬聖節的Fu~ The tree with green light....hum... very Hollowness~

 在Light Night一定要做的一件事, 就是喝Glühwein, 英文叫 Mulled wine. 是甜甜的香料熱紅酒! 喝完整個身子都會暖起來哦!! One of the most important thing need to drink at Light Night is Glühwein!!!After you drink it, you whole body will feel much warmer!!

我和未婚夫沒吃晚餐就去了.. 所以一路上都在找東西吃.. 這是荷蘭傳統小吃之一 'Poffertjes' 其實就像是迷你薄煎餅~撒上糖粉和純奶油~~很有冬天的感覺! My fiance and I didn't have dinner before we went there.. so we kept looking for something to eat~ This is one of the very Dutch snake -- "Poffertjes". Actually it just like mini pancakes with sugar powder and creamy butter~~ Very suitable for Winter time.

 這是在做 'Poffertjes'的攤子.. 遠看很像在做章魚燒吼~~ ^^ This is how they make 'Poffertjes'. The hot plate they used is very similar to the one that Japanese used for Takoyaki ~~

賣手工藝品和聖誕裝飾的攤子~ What they sell at Christmas market~
這個攤子賣的娃娃好可愛!! 都是老闆自己做的哦!! 但是一隻就要價15歐以上..我最後買了3.50歐的DIY包~婆婆說不會很難做... 我很希望真的不會很難...  The dolls from this stand are so cute! They all made by the old lady from this stand. She said this is Light Night Doll~ But they all cost at least 15 euro... At the end I bought a DIY pack~ The old lady says it is not difficult to make at all... I think we will see after I make it .. ha ha~

我們的行程大約花2小時~繞完了一圈要回家時, 再來照最後一張河岸加老教堂!! We spent about 2 hours to walk around there~ on the way home we passed the canal again~ Took another picture and say bye bye~

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