
Unforgettable Five Sauces Braised Pork, 忘不了五醬滷肉

This is one of my fiance's favorite dish - Five sauce braised pork! Why I named it as "Unforgettable Five Sauce"? It is because you only need 5 sauces and the sauces portion is super easy to remember!Easy and tasty, Truly a receipt for man! My fiance can even manage to cook it all by himself!
這道菜是Kyra未婚夫最愛的一道菜哦!超簡單又好吃的'五醬滷肉', 為什麼我叫它'忘不了五醬'呢? 因為它只需要五種好記又易取得的醬汁就夠囉!!連我未婚夫都可以自己來!是一道很適合男人的料理哦!

Tortilla Chips Fusion Dip, 墨西哥玉米片無國界沾醬

Make your party easier and more special! Tortilla chips is one of easy, tasty, exotic food for party time. But are you getting tired of those Doritos flavors and want to try more taste besides of  salsa sauce or guacamole sauce? Here is one easy and fusion sauce worthy to try!!
想要讓你的派對或聚會更特別嗎? 墨西哥玉米片是一個除了洋芋片之外,簡單方便又有異國風味的選擇!

Dutch BBQ with Bowling! 荷式烤肉配保齡球!

One of Kyra's favorite party ways with friend is eating hot pot or BBQ! Kyra heard that Holland also has their own style of BBQ but never really had a chance to try it at restaurant. This time Kyra finally had a chance to go with the company that I temperately worked for! Let's check what is the Dutch BBQ restaurant!
Kyra 最愛的幾種聚會不外乎就是吃火鍋或吃燒肉了! 在荷蘭我常常朝思暮想著乾杯的牛舌, 豬五花 或出一張嘴的燒烤吃到飽. 之前聽說荷蘭也有這種把肉切小小自己烤自己的份的烤肉, 但一直沒有機會真的在餐廳裡吃到..最近如願以償的和公司的人起一去嘍! 荷蘭人的燒肉長什麼樣子呢? 今天帶大家來看看!

Happy Lunar New Year!! 兔年快樂鴛鴦鍋小圍爐!!

 This year 2ed Feb. is the Lunar New Year's Eve, as tradition, every family needs to gather together and have an abundant dinner! Usually all the women in the family will come to help to cook, but I am alone in Holland and of course my fiance's family won't know what is the tradition. But I still want to have a nice New year's eve, so I decided to prepare hot pot! Easy, tasty and one dish will always appears on the new year's eve table!!      
 今年的2月2號是農曆年的除夕夜,依照習俗, 家家都要團員, 吃一頓豐盛的年夜飯! 年夜飯通常是由家裡的女人們同心協力來準備的!但我孤家寡人在荷蘭沒有人幫忙, 要煮一頓豐盛的實在很累~ 但又還是很想有過年的感覺~所以我決定今年來煮簡單又好吃的火鍋吧!

Snow World Snowboarding night! 滑雪板之夜!

 Last week Kyra when to fiance's office to help translating some documents for a week and we decided to go to snowboarding after work! Lucky me!!
上個星期Kyra去未婚夫的公司幫忙翻譯文件一個星期, 幸運的遇到他們要去滑滑雪板! 我當然要跟呀!!