
Dutch Stewed Pears 荷蘭燉梨子

Another Food you need to eat in Holland during the winter season "Stoofpeer- Dutch Stewed pears"! Every Christmas time my fiance's mom will cook this sweet dish. This year, I ask her to wait for me to come home and then I can learn it from her! After I saw it, actually it is not difficult at all!! The winter is still cold~ try it soon! :)  
荷蘭冬天的另一樣必吃食物 'Stoofpeer-燉梨子'!! 每年聖誕節的時候都可以吃到未婚夫媽媽親手做的噸梨子! 超好吃的! 我也一直以為很難做, 今年特別要求準婆婆等我為回來再一起做! 學了才發現, 一點都不難喔!!!大家下次也一起來試試看吧!

Ingredients from my fiance's mother, 準婆婆用的材料:
1.5 Kg Pears, 1.5Kg 梨子
300ml Water, 300ml 水
50g Sugar, 50g 糖
1 Cinnamon Stick, 1枝 肉桂棒

Kyra Cook Iead,  Kyra 好煮易:
Fiance's mom told me that "Gieser Wildman" is the best kind of pears to make stewed pears! This variety was bred by Mr. Wildeman in Gorinchem and marketed around 1850. The acreage of pears in the Netherlands is over 250 acres. This kind of pears is smaller, harder and less juicy. Most of the mothers in Holland will use this kind of pear to stew!  (reference:
準婆婆說, 燉梨子最好品種是用 'Gieser Wildeman'! 它是在1850年由Wildeman研發且問市的品種, 這種梨子在荷蘭的種植面積超過250畝喔! 比較硬, 比較小, 水分較少. 是荷蘭媽媽們燉梨子時的不二人選喔!!

 Steps 做法:
1.Peel the pears, remove the seeds and cut it in to 4 pieces. 把梨子削皮,去籽, 切成1/4.
2.Put then all in a pot and add 300ml water. 放入鍋中並加入300ml的水

 3.Add about 50g sugar and 1 cinnamon stick. (She usually doesn't like to make it too sweet, so she only added about 40g sugar in.) 加入約50g的糖 和肉桂棒1枝. (準婆婆不喜歡煮太甜, 所以大約只放了40g.)

Kyra Note, Kyra小叮嚀:
Just put the sugar and cinnamon stick on top, you don't need to stir it! Very Easy~ 糖和肉桂棒放進去就好了, 不用再攪拌喔! 很方便吧!

 4.Put the lid on. Cook it until the water in the pot is boiled and turn the fire low. Stew it for about 1 hour.蓋上鍋蓋, 開火煮至鍋裡的300ml水開了後, 轉小火燉約1個小時.

Very Easy, right?! Remove it from the pot and wait it cool down then you will have a yummy Dutch stewed pears as a dessert! The pears will have light pink color after stewed! Very autumn like~ Some receipt will recommend to put some red wine to make the color redder and it will have more Christmas feeling and adult taste. Personally I like the ma ma family flavor! :) Add one scoop of ice cream~ hum~ even more luxury~   放涼後就是超級好吃的荷蘭燉梨子囉!!而且它會自己呈現淡紅色, 很有秋天落葉的感覺. 也有些食譜會放一些紅酒, 讓顏色更紅, 更有聖誕節的氣氛. 不過~ 我覺得自然不添加的感覺最棒喔!! 飯後盛上一小碗, 想要豐盛一點還可以放一球冰淇淋在上面~~ 我都流口水了啦!!

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